活动作品《光环效应》|什么是光环效应?|怎么训练自己的批判性思维?|什么是因果关系的迷惑?|什么是组织物理学假象?|罗森维作品|THE HALO EFFECT 122播放 · 总弹幕数02020-04-21 05:42:153 投币5 3 稿件投诉 未经作者授权,禁止转载 知识 野生技能协会 打开吧!脑洞 学习 教育...
(mannerisms were kept te same across both videos).The same as the halo ffect infers,students who saw the"warm"one evaluated him more attractive,his mannerisms more likeable and even his accent as more pleasing.This was unsurprising as it backed up the ideas on the halo effect.At the ...
The "halo effect" is a classic finding social psychology. It is the idea that general evaluations(评价) about a person(e.g. she is likeable)influence judgments about their specific traits(品质)(e.g. she is intelligent). Hollywood stars give the perfect example. Because they are often attrac...
晕轮效应(Halo Effect)又称“光环效应”,它是一种影响人际知觉的因素。指在人际知觉中所形成的以点概面或以偏概全的主观印象。这种爱屋及乌的强烈知觉的品质或特点,就像月晕的光环一样,向周围弥漫、扩散,所以人们就形象地称这一心理效应为晕轮效应。 一个人的某种品质,或一个物品的某种特性给人以非常好的印象。
俄国著名的大文豪普希金曾因晕轮效应的作用吃了大苦头。 他狂热地爱上了被称为「莫斯科第一美人」的娜坦丽,并且和她结了婚。娜坦丽容貌惊人,但与普希金志不同道不合。当普希金每次把写好的诗读给她听时。她总是捂着耳朵说:「不要听!不要听!」相反,她总是要普希金陪她游乐,出席一些豪华的晚会、舞会,普希金为此...
The halo effect (晕轮效应) is a type of cognitive bias (认知偏见) in which our overall impression of a person influences how we feel and think about their character.Physical appearance is often a major part of the halo effect. However, this effect doesn' t just affect our perceptions (看...
The halo effect(光环效应) is a type of decision in which our general impression of a person influences how we feel and think about their character. Essentially, your general impression of a person impacts your judgment of that person's specific characteristics. Viewpoints on a single characteristi...
Four alternative techniques are commonly used for measuring the halo effect in performance appraisal: dimension intercorrelations, factor analysis, raters x ratees interaction, and rating dispersion. The study tested the equivalence of these techniques by measuring possible differences in their respective ...