我发现平定的乐声鼓点并无显著效用,便换上囤积了几年的哈利.波特和半血王子(Harry Potter and Half Blooded Prince),听Jim Dale念给我听。每每趴在器械上狗喘时,我竟也推挤一丝余力,盯着时刻表,继续毫无人性动作下去,好像精神之乐,确乎暂时敌过肉体之酸苦。到了第二十三回,我却没办法继续打哈哈了。哈利和邓布利...
Half-Blood Prince is easily one of the better books in the Harry Potter series, though each is a masterpiece. But the 6th installment of a 7-part series is bound to be full of great moments in the story. There remains a great deal unanswered in this book, however, a...
PRINCE =Parts Reliability Information Center 零件可靠性情报中心([美]NASA) blood n. 1.[U]血 2.-blooded(构成形容词)有...类型的血的 3.[C]纨绔子弟;花花公子 4.[U]血统;家世 v.[T]让(初试) port au prince n. 太子港(海地首都) prince of wales' heath n. 夺目欧石楠 prince's plume...
Rowling: A Year in the Life, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 525 votes Also ranks #1 on The Most Ruthless 'Harry Potter' Characters, Ranked Also ranks #1 on Secondary Villains Who You Hate Even More Than The Big Bads Also ranks #1 on The 15 Most Evil ...
Adj.1.half-blooded-(ofanimals)havingonlyonepurebredparent half-bred,half-breed animal,animate being,beast,creature,fauna,brute- alivingorganismcharacterizedbyvoluntarymovement crossbred-bredfromparentsofdifferentvarietiesorspecies BasedonWordNet3.0,Farlexclipartcollection.©2003-2012PrincetonUniversity,FarlexInc...
(as it has been done with infants before now) so that it were possible, by taking a certain quantity of blood from the arms of a given number of the mob, and putting it all into one person, to make a more azure-blooded gentleman of him, the thing would of course be managed; but...
Lead by her boyfriend, played by Freddie Stroma (Harry Potter & The Half Blooded Prince,... See full article at DailyDead 10/17/2014 by Derek Anderson DailyDeadInterview: Colin Minihan, Stuart Ortiz (The Vicious Brothers) Professionally known as The Vicious Brothers, Colin Minihan & Stuart ...
Mobile Suit Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans 1,406 votes In a future where Earth's economic blocs have expanded into space, a group of child soldiers led by Mikazuki Augus and Orga Itsuka form a private military company called Tekkadan and take on a risky escort mission. As they navigate the pe...
提到莎士比亚,很多人想到的是欧洲文艺复兴时期英国文豪、杰出的戏剧家和诗人、四大悲剧,四大喜剧这些标签。这位人类文学史奥林匹克山上的宙斯,也是世界戏剧史众人朝圣的无冕帝王;他是大众的情人,也是文艺青年的榜样。 莎翁对当代英语的影响丝毫没有减弱之势,他的戏剧遗赠仍被广泛认为是世界戏剧的巅峰,他对语言的自如运用...
half-breed - (of animals) having only one purebred parent half-blooded, half-bred animal, animate being, beast, creature, fauna, brute - a living organism characterized by voluntary movement crossbred - bred from parents of different varieties or species Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart co...