The habitable zone is also known as the "Goldilocks zone" because planets orbiting at that "just right" distance from a star are not too hot or too cold to host liquid water. If planets are closer to their star, the water turns to steam; if they're farther, it freezes. Some researche...
【什么是宜居带 What Is the Habitable Zone】天文学家对于宜居带究竟是如何定义的?太空中究竟有多少宜居带?我们人类生活在一个叫地球的蓝色小行星上,这里有合适的条件和成分让生命进化和繁衍!天文学家在太阳系之外寻找宜居的地外行星时都需要具备哪些条件?离我们较近的月亮是否也宜居呢?#微博纪录片联盟# #来微博...
In astronomy, when we talk about the 'habitable zone' around a star, what does it mainly refer to? A. The zone where there is no radiation. B. The zone where water can exist in liquid form. C. The zone where only plants can survive. D. The zone where the temperature is E. ...
faraway /ˈfɑːrəweɪ/ adj. 遥远的;恍惚的; habitable /ˈhæbɪtəbl/ adj. 可居住的;适于居住的; zone /zoʊn/ n. 区域;地带; liquid water 液态水; biosignature /baɪoʊˈsɪɡnətʃər/ n. 生物标志,生物标志物; molecule /ˈmɑːlɪkjuːl/ n....
We’ve got this on Mars and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. The habitable zone is a rough measurement. It’s a place where liquid water might exist. “The Chemistry of the Solar System” by Compound Interest’s Andy Brunning Unfortunately, it’s not just a simple equation of the dista...
Space/Science GeekSpeak Mysteries ofthe Multiverse Science Fiction The Comestible Zone Off-Topic Community Flame CurrentEvents Recent posts Hello from somewhere Pebble January 27, 2025 10:06 pm (Comestible Zone) Growing up and going out: Beyond the cradle BuckGalaxy January 24, 2025 7:28 pm (...
根据最后一段最后三行Additionally, dwarf stars are dim, so the habitable zone lies closer in. If the planet is closer to the star, it's easier for astronomers to detect a transitobservation. A close-in planet also has a stronger...
habitable zone (redirected fromHabitability zone) Medical Related to Habitability zone:Circumstellar habitable zone habitable zone n. The region in a stellar system where the surface temperatures of planets can sustain liquid water and therefore hold the highest probability for the existence of life. ...
It is generally tacitly assumed that the atmosphere of a habitable planet absorbs in the infrared and is transparent in the visible. We consider the cases in which the optical depth in the visible is not negligible. We show that such planets can harbor life under conditions similar to those ...
Torres G, Kipping DM, Fressin Fet al(2015) Validation of 12 small Kepler transiting planets in the habitable zone. Astrophys J 800:99 Google Scholar Turbet M, Francois F, Leconte Jet al(2017a) CO2 condensation is a serious limit to the deglaciation of Earth-like planets. arXiv:1703.04624...