Join The Gym Group for a wide range of classes and high-spec equipment. With flexible memberships, our 24-hour gyms are the affordable choice. Join today!
The Gym Group Find out about us The Gym Group is the original provider of high quality, low cost gym facilities in the UK. We offer 24/7, no contract gym memberships delivering great value-for-money for all our members. Investors
Look no further, below are all the latest opening times for all our gyms. The Gym Group Accrington- Open Mon-Sun 24/7 The Gym Group Acton- Open Mon-Sun 24/7 The Gym Group Alperton- Open Mon-Sun 24/7 The Gym Group Altrincham- Open Mon-Sun 24/7 ...
We have partnered with Fiit to provide all Gym Group members with unlimited access to hundreds of video workouts led by world-class trainers to help you take your in-gym training to the next level. MANAGE YOUR MEMBERSHIP We’ve made it easy to manage your membership from the palm of your...
l《 到底俱乐部能不能挣钱?关键看怎么经营。看看人家竟然能在伦敦上市的俱乐部怎么做的——The Gym Group》 系列课程二、营销管理 l《还发传单呢?还忽悠人呢?还不知道怎么做线上?我们帮你梳理一下健身俱乐部的互联网营销管理》 系列课程三、会员流失管理 l《会员流失这个真没办法?这里有一套办法帮你留住会员》 ...
No Contract No Joining fee Free body composition analysis on joining Free personal exercise programme created for you Over 40 group exercise classes every week State of the art fitness equipment 2 Studios including a fully immersive spin studio ...
正如您想的那样,健身房数量快速增长,并且全国各地都有新的健身房。 合同也是非常灵活多变的,有很多选择,并且7天24小时开放,基本全年都可以在这锻炼。The Gym Group还拥有最新的器材,是最早推出Myride®室内自行车和瑜伽,舞蹈和健美操课程的健身房之一。
最近我居住的小区商业街上了冒出了一个叫The Gym Group的健身房,市中心也冒出了一个,建造速度可以用迅雷不及掩耳来形容。上网一查,这是一个全国连锁的健身房,几乎每个大城市都有2-3家。伦敦已经有十几家。 和一般的high street brand一样,品牌设计很有现代简洁有活力。蓝色为主色很清新,圆点设计简洁亮眼。
What is the cheapest gym membership out there? A lot of people will point to Planet Fitness and their $10 memberships, but don’t forget to also consider factors beyond just the monthly fee, such as the range of equipment, class offerings, facility hours, and any additional perks that alig...
Joining over 210 locations across the UK, The Gym Group Woking offers its signature affordable membership scheme, including a range of free exercise classes, high-quality gym equipment, and personal training services. Accessibility is a priority, no contract is needed, and the town centre location...