“Says here that this guy’s been fined for assaulting his neighbour’s son,” observed Austin, glancing up at me from his lap-top. “Yeh?” I enquired, wondering why I’d be interested in that. “Neighbour’s son was a student, aged eighteen. Apparently he came home drunk and spewed...
It doesn't take intellects to figure that one out. Then, there are women that have been on the show for five or six times, trying to find their baby's daddy. Or the guy that slept around with 25 women, his wife cheated on him once, he suddenly "quits" cheating and decided to ...
少了一个关心你的男人 If you dont have a guy who cares about you, 这些都没有意义 it all means shit! 亲爱的 你冷静点 Oh, sweetie, calm down. Shh. 在整整睡了三天之后 Three days of sleep deprivation had turned Samantha 莎曼珊完全焕然一新 into a whole new woman... 夏洛特 Charlotte. ...
One guy who made big bets looked down at the little girl he was holding by the hand and said teasingly, "Who do you like today, Honey, Giants or the Pirates?" The little girl, fascinated by the colorful names, said, "Are Giants stronger than Pirates?" The father laughed.A line began...
这就像我十六岁时 I felt like I was in my bedroom when I was 16, 出去跟帅哥鬼混 and I used to hang out with this guy who was really beautiful 我父母以为我在教他功课一样 and my parents thought I was helping him with his chemistry homework. 我们能躺一下吗? Do you mind if we just...
She arranged to sell the studio, just breaking even, to a few male friends in the scene who agreed to help. They were mostly into guy to guy, which was important to her plan, but no problem for her. They wanted to use it as a clubhouse of sorts, and Candi-Floss would receive the...
Drove her home, fuck around with alexa and my alexa routine (kudos to a seducer named glow), put music, deem lights, throw her on the bed, fucked her till this morning, slept an hour, fucked her again… Some take aways: 1.- Make the gay guy like you and you will fuck the girl...
6. - You got a point to make, or did you just feel like giving a long, unnecessary explanation for something medically irrelevant? 你究竟是总结出什么结论了,还是仅仅想絮叨一些与医学无关的事情? - What happened to the Foreman who always has an answer? The guy who practically wears a sign ...
2 Sometimes that increases slowly, as it did for two neighbors who have lived across the hall for 20 years. They’ve checked in on each other when they were sick, and split the bill of a magazine. Those moments finally added up to a friendship during the pandemic (流行病), when they...
你太可爱r Youre too cute for me. 吻了十秒钟之后我差点忘了 Ten seconds of making out and I could almost forget 他性向不明 Sean*s lack of sexual orientation... 直到我们停下来 until we stopped kissing. 所以你在看哪一个? Okay, mister, who you checking out? 男生还是女生? The guy or ...