The Perfect Guy, a tense and intriguing thriller, centers on a successful lobbyist, played by Sanaa Lathan, who becomes entangled with a charming but dangerous man, portrayed by Michael Ealy. Directed by David M. Rosenthal, the film explores themes of obsession, control, and the dark side...
“I like dishing out canings to guys. When I’m on holiday, like I am just now, I can go on to a contacts website and if there’s someone locally who wants his bottom dealt with, I can volunteer my services. It’s surprising how often I get to cane a guy; and so I always ...
This is the story of Paul, a sophomore at a high school like no other: The cheerleaders ride Harleys, the homecoming queen used to be a guy named Daryl, and the gay-straight alliance was formed to help the straight kids learn how to dance. When Paul meets Noah, he thinks he’s foun...
Locals mention that downtown, there aren’t many decent places to take a meeting or have an upscale cocktail and dining experience, meaning the opening of the downstairs restaurant Pasqul and the upstairs rooftop bar and restaurant Skylark is a welcome addition. Alyssa Hardy, Vogue, 26 Nov. ...
aAdam took a break and met me upstairs while his construction buddies were at work right under the bedroom. This was the ideal setup for his first ever gay blowjob... 当他的建筑伙计是在工作在卧室之下时,亚当休假并且遇见了我在楼上。 这是理想的设定为他的第一快乐blowjob…[translate]...
the girl of dreams the girl on the front the girl with two bre the girls upstairs the gladiators bane-w the glass was broken the glory of the dark the gnomon workshop a the go-by the goalkeepers insti the god delusion the god father-three the god of poetry is the god of the land...
UncleAdam”shere. 你是要去哪吗 Yougoingsomewhere? 爸爸你受伤了 Daddy,youvegotasore. 宝贝儿我知道 Oh,sweetheart,IknowIdo. 不过没事只是划伤了一点 Itsokay,though.Itsjustalittlecut. 波比不如你去上楼 Um,Pops,whydontyougoupstairs, 然后我帮爸爸包扎一下手 andIllhelpDaddybandagehishand. 但你说 But...
the daily drucker 366 the dalian america the dameraman the dance of charm the dancer upstairspa the dancing building the daring book for g the dark haired girl the dark tower cycle the database configur the date from which t the date of purchase the day after tomorro the day also of fi...
Carrie meets Miranda's ex Skipper, a sweet guy who is getting desperate as all women seem to turn him down in favor of jerks - like Kevin, the bossy colleague Miranda is dating right then. When she confesses this to her friends, this contradiction bugs her too. Sam declares monogamy fits...
which amplified the magic and angst of their winding songs. There are plenty of nerdy time signatures, orchestral flourishes and jazzy interludes ("A Mix of Sun and Cloud"). But the best songs, like "The Men Who Live Upstairs" and "Sherry and Her Butterfly Net," prioritize hooks and cha...