This process can induce depression-like behaviors in recipient animals, demonstrating a critical role of the gut microbiome in depression onset [13]. However, most of the studies on the issue of depression-associated of microbiota to date have focused on the effects of the “health or depression...
Microorganisms are ubiquitous in the human body; they are present in various areas including the gut, mouth, skin, respiratory tract, and reproductive tract. The interaction between the microbiome and reproductive health has become an increasingly compelling area of study. Disrup...
The gut microbiome exerts a considerable influence on human neurophysiology and mental health. Interactions between intestinal microbiology and host regulatory systems have now been implicated both in the development of psychiatric conditions and in the efficacy of many common therapies. With the growing ...
Owing to the fact that there are more microbial than human cells in our body and that humans contain more microbial than human genes, the microbiome has huge potential to influence human physiology, both in health and in disease. The use of next-generati
The incidence of young-onset colorectal cancer (yCRC) has been increasing in recent decades, but little is known about the gut microbiome of these patients. Most studies have focused on old-onset CRC (oCRC), and it remains unclear whether CRC signatures
Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the most common cause of dementia, results in a sustained decline in cognition. There are currently few effective disease modifying therapies for AD, but insights into the mechanisms that mediate the onset and progression of di
in female faecal samples can be linked to the higher prevalence of Candida spp. in the vaginal mycobiome [12]. Higher numbers of species in the gut mycobiome were found in infants and children compared with adults, but only when culture-independent (ITS1, ITS4) methods were used [6]. ...
Gut microbiota from birth to 100 years and beyond The programming of immune response and metabolic pathways is heavily influenced by the interaction between the human organism and its GM starting from infancy. This bidirectional relationship in early life has a profound impact on health and disease ...
The gut microbiome has a pivotal function in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). However, the associated alterations in the gut microbiome-host interaction are unknown. Herein, we aimed to investigate the gut microbiota and fecal metabolites in people living with HIV (PLWH). We collected stool sam...
gr: intercept; TCD: T cell depleted graft (ex-vivo) by CD34+ selection; PBSC: peripheral blood stem cells; BM: bone marrow; cord: umbilical cord blood; NONABL: Nonmyeloablative; REDUCE: reduced-intensity conditioning regimen; F: female; N: patients, n: samples (daily changes in ...