There were also compulsory lectures most days for all the prisoners held in an unheated barn, the contents of which -- ‘about the imperialists, the capitalists, how we were their running dogs, we were the tools of our capitalist friends and the Chinese did not hold any grudge against us...
though injured as well, had fled down one of the paths and vanished. What had driven them to attack one another was unknown, they were not enemies and none knew of any grudge between them; they had simply abandoned their posts in unison and attacked ...
What you see here is not the extent of the “South” industries’ popular vigor. “Neo-masala,” as I have dubbed it — which is to say, Hindi-language (Bollywood) films either remade from or heavily inspired by Tamil or Telugu-language (South) movies, in pursuit of an old-fashioned ...
dubbed dubber dubbin dubbos dubium ducats ducked ducker duckie ductal ducted ductor dudder duddie dudeen duding dudish dudism dueful dueled dueler duelli duello duende duenna dueted duetti duetto duetts duffed duffel duffer duffle dugite dugong dugout duhkha duiker dukery duking dukkah dukkas ...