剑桥雅思18 Test4 Passage2阅读答案解析 The growth mindset……第 14 题答案:B 解析:第一段前三行讲的是普遍观点是智商不是一成不变的,可以通过训练来改变。后面是讲专家认可这个观点,然后开始尝试量化感知能力。Then,in the early 20th century, ... that inherent ability is destiny.20世纪激进思想家...
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对应原文:第5段: Professor of Psychology Timothy Bates … notes that:’People with a growth mindset don’t cope any better with failure … Kids with the growth mindset aren’t getting better grades, either before or after our intervention study.’ 答案解析:心理学教授蒂莫西·贝茨指出,孩子无论是...
Skip the late night lesson planning and start stretching your student’s minds with this practical, ready-to-use companion to the popular The Growth Mindset Coach series.
Book description It takes a bold approach to leadership to thrive in the era of disruption The Growth Mindset provides a roadmap to the future for financial professionals. While the FinTech revolution is changing the wealth management industry, there is one thing that technology cannot offer—the...
The growth mindset……第 20题答案:E 解析:题干意思是成长型心智应该在学生意识不到的时候提高。文字倒数第四行,DY and GW claim that ...一直到最后intended effects.这两个人声称,为了最大化效果,干预应该以不易察觉的方式给到。如果青少年在他们需要帮助的状态下接受到了老师的干预,这可能会使效果消失...
“In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment. Virtually all gr...
剑桥雅思18Test4Passage2阅读原文翻译 The growth mindset 成长心态 剑桥雅思18阅读第四套题目第二篇文章的主题为成长心态。作者介绍了这一概念的含义,起源,执行过程中所遇到的障碍,本身存在的缺陷,与可能的改进。虽然内容有些抽象,但因为跟我们的日常生活比较接近,读起来不算特别晦涩。下面是具体每一段的汉语翻译。
The Magical Yet is an excellent growth mindset book that will not only entertain kids but help teach them valuable lessons on perseverance and how trying again is an important part of life. A Growth Mindset Book: Using The Magical Yet To Teach The word “yet” is so powerful. It looks ...
“In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment. Virtually all grea...