剑桥商务英语2 Unit 2 Growing the company ModuleTwo GrowingtheCompany •Howtomaintaincustomerinterestinacompany’sproducts•Howtochooseahotelwhenonbusinesstrip•Theimportancetoacompanyofofferingitsproductsontheworld-wideweb •Ithinkthatourfundamentalbeliefis thatforusgrowthisaawayoflifeandwehavetogrowat...
剑桥商务英语2-Unit-2-Growing-the--company I think that our fundamental belief is that for us growth is a a way of life and we have to grow at all times. --- Mukesh Ambani, Chairman of Reliance Industries Why is it important for companies to grow? Give shareholders a regular return ...
With the growth of social media’s importance to a brand’s long-term success today, businesses should also look beyond their team of employees when establishing a company culture. Including consumers or Key Opinion Consumers/Leaders (KOCs/KOLs) when crafting your organisational culture allows...
Supported by customers and partners, this year saw Huawei’s entry into the Challengers quadrant of Gartner's Magic Quadrant for the server market for the first time. We also jumped into the Leaders quadrant for the storage market, ranking first globally for shipment growth. In the software dom...
private enterprises of Saudi Arabia in China, has been doing business in China for more than 20 years. With the increasingly close economic and trade exchanges between China and Saudi Arabia, the company has set up four investment offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong since 2017...
Under Armour has offices in London, Amsterdam, Mexico, New York and many other locations. The company has grown rapidly over the last few years by some strong acquisitions as well. Apart from acquiring sportswear companies, the company has also taken oven fitness app products which has added to...
Whether it's a quiet corner for a desk or a full room for operations, defining this space early sets the foundation for your business's growth. Find the Right Home Evaluate the potential each space offers for your business operations when selecting your new abode. It's a balance of ...
First, transform mindset.A company's digital transformation should be led by its board of directors or business leaders, not just its CIO or CTO. Because transformation requires insight into issues relating to the company's future development, such as what problems we should solve for customers ...
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Apple is currently the world’s largest company in terms of market cap. The tech multinational continues to inspire cult-like devotion from its customers, and the sudden surge in supplying home offices during the pandemic made profits for the tech giant soar in the last ...
B Corps(B Corporations,中文译名:共益企业)是由“共益实验室”(B Lab)提出,通过共益影响力评估工具(BIA, B lmpact Assessment)选择一批在社会与环境绩效、透明度,以及责任感多个方面达到高标准的营利性企业。全球目前已有9000多家B Corp,覆盖160多个行业,致力于用商业的力量解决社会与环境问题。