1950年的《种族区域法》(The Group Areas Act)为每一种族在市区建立了居住和商业的区段,其他种族的人不准在这些区段内 …webref.tpml.edu.tw|基于5个网页 3. 法案 (3)对族群分区管理法案(the Group Areas Act)及人口注册法案(the Population Registration Act)之废止,与使所有南非人皆有一 …www.american...
Maharaj B., `The Group Areas Act and Community Destruction in South Africa: the struggle for Cato Manor in Durban', Urban Forum, Vol 5 No 2, (1994), pp1-26Maharaj, B. 1994. The Group Areas Act and community destruction in South Africa: The struggle for Cato Manor in Durban. Urban ...
A set of 316 commentaries by authors of highly-cited papers was reviewed, to identify any difficulty encountered by the authors in producing or publishing their articles. The commentaries were selected from those published each week in the Citation Classic(R) feature of Current Contents. According ...
The Group Areas Act : a historical and legal reviewOmar, I.De RebusOmar 1989 De Rebus Omar I "The Group Areas Act: A historical and legal overview" 1989 De Rebus 515-522
Within the scope of this strategy, online courses in the international language (English) in various subject areas, including courses from academic programs, and MOOCs focusing on the history of the country, its cultural characteristics, and language learning, are being created. For instance, South...
Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, and Related Areas Working with Special Needs Students Inclusivity in the Classroom Teacher and Student Well-Being and Mental Health Social and Emotional Learning Community Building Innovative Pedagogy Sus...
For a subjective indicator of air pollution, we selected the public’s subjective perception of air pollution. In the CGSS2021 questionnaire, respondents’ had seven possible answers regarding the severity of air pollution in their local areas. These answers were as follows: 5 meant “very serious...
accelerate translation is said to require a “multidisciplinary, multi-stakeholder undertaking”, hinging “not only [on] technical expertise and infrastructure, but also [on] insights into legal, intellectual property, regulatory, product development, and many other areas of expertise” (EATRIS 2015...
“small” areas have outsized footprints. Brown et al. (2005) reported that exurban development (i.e., low-density urban development) expanded dramatically from 1950 to 2000, particularly in the Eastern Temperate Forest ecoregion. Likewise, Radeloff et al. (2005) examined the interface between...
visualisation of events during the Civil Rights movement. Study of gothic culture is therefore both dynamic and chronological and has to take into account cross influences from diverse areas and be alive to the possibilities of homage, pastiche and irony....