绘本《The Grouchy Ladybug》,HarperCollins 绘本内容 书中这只自以为自以为是的小瓢虫到处找人打架,从早上五点碰到另一只瓢虫开始,中间陆陆续续碰到了天牛、螳螂……直到下午五点碰到了鲸鱼,它都认为别人不够大,没有资格跟他打架。最后他会怎样呢? 从这本书中,小朋友除了可以看到各种不同的动物及昆虫外,还可以...
"Oh,you're not big enough,"said the grouchy ladybug and flew off. 噢,你还是太小了,算了吧。”瓢虫说完,飞走了。 At eight o'clock,it came across a praying mantis. 早晨8点,爱生气的瓢虫碰到了一只螳螂。 "Hey you,"said the grouchy...
The Grouchy Ladybug 爱生气的小瓢虫 一只坏脾气的瓢虫为了吃树叶上的蚜虫,威胁要和一只好脾气的同类打架。结果对方十分镇定,目光直视语气平和的把瓢虫吓走了。坏脾气的瓢虫推说对方不够大,要找大块头去单挑。然后它从早上六点钟开始,每个小时向一种动物进行挑战,然后每次都以对方不够大块头为由飞走。中间陆陆续续...
"Oh, you're not big enough"said the grouchy ladybug and flew off. 噢,你还是太小了,算了吧。”瓢虫说完,飞走了。 At seven o'clock,it saw a stag bettle. 早晨7点,爱生气的瓢虫遇见了一只锹形虫。 "Hey you,"said the grouchy ladybug."Want to fight?" 嗨,你。想打一架吗? "If you in...
A collection of ladybug themed crafts, activities and books for your child to explore inspired by the book The Grouchy Ladybug by Eric Carle.
The Grouchy Ladybugby Eric Carle Ten Little Ladybugsby Melanie Gerth Sir Ladybugby Corey R. Tabor Counting with a Ladybugby DK Fun facts we discovered about Ladybugs. Ladybugs eat insect pests such as aphids and scale insects that can attack your plants. ...
昨天和大家分享的是Eric Carle的《THE VERY HUNGRY CATERPILLAR》。今天跟大家分享的是卡尔爷爷另一部作品——《The Grouchy Ladybug》。这部作品是以傲慢的瓢虫闻名于世,和《THE VERY HUNGRY CATERPILLAR》一起入选美国全国教育协会“教师们推荐的100本书”。
It's the Grouchy Ladybug's 20th birthday. To celebrate, we are introducing a new, larger format edition with brighter, more colorful pages created from Eric Carle's original artwork using the latest reproduction technology. is bigger and brigher, as irascible but irresistable as ever and will...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现爱生气的瓢虫 The Grouchy Ladybug 英文原版 坏脾气瓢虫英文版 0-4岁幼儿童英语早教启蒙绘本 趣味玩具纸板书 Eric Carle 进口书的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于爱生气的瓢虫
HappyBirthday,Grouchy Ladybug! 书中这只自以为自以为是的小瓢虫到处找人打架,从早上五点碰到另一只瓢虫开始,中间陆陆续续碰到了天牛、螳螂...直到下午五点碰到了鲸鱼,它都认为别人不够大,没有资格跟他打架。最后他会怎样呢?从这本书中,小朋友除了可以看到各种不同的动物及昆虫外,还可以学习到一些基本的礼貌...