In Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas, the Grinch (Jim Carrey) is a recluse living on Mount Crumpit, shunning the festive cheer of Whoville below. In this fantastical family comedy, directed by Ron Howard, the green-furred Grinch decides to sabotage Christmas for the town's jubilant...
Film critic Peter Stack of theSan Francisco Gatepraised Carrey, writing, “Nobody could play the Grinch better than Jim Carrey, whose rubbery antics and maniacal sense of mischief are so well suited to How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Dr. Seuss himse...
The theme song sung by the cast was later heard a year later in the TV movie Yogi's First Christmas, which contradicts the events of this special in which Yogi and Boo Boo can be seen celebrating Christmas with the other cast members. This is also the first time that this production ...
Overview: We had literally hundreds of family Super 8mm film reels sitting in a box in the garage. They hadn’t been seen in 50 years or more. I could have sent them to a service to have them converted, but that ends up costing a lot of money. I also did it once with a few re...
2000: Jim Carrey becomes the Grinch Dr. Seuss’ beloved holiday classic has been adapted many times over the years. Still, perhaps the most controversial is the live-action adaptation starring 1990s comedy king Jim Carrey as the titular anti-hero. While some immediately adopted the Ron Howard-...
Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas PG Release Date November 17, 2000 Director Ron Howard Cast Jim Carrey, Taylor Momsen ,Jeffrey Tambor,Christine Baranski,Bill Irwin,Molly Shannon Main Genre Comedy As mentioned earlier,Ron Howard'smost frequent collaborator is Hans Zimmer, though it can ...
Dr. Suess How the Grinch Stole Christmas Another modern-day Christmas classic, this 2000 remake of the animated 1960s classic was directed byRon Howard(yes,thatRon Howard) and featuredJim Carreyas the Grinch. Watch forChristine Baranski,Jeffrey Tambor,Molly Shannon…and Howard’s younger brother,...
2000: Jim Carrey becomes the Grinch Dr. Seuss' beloved holiday classic has been adapted many times over the years. Still, perhaps the most controversial is the live-action adaptation starring 1990s comedy king Jim Carrey as the titular antihero. While some immediately adopted the Ron Howard-helme...
2000: Jim Carrey becomes the Grinch Dr. Seuss' beloved holiday classic has been adapted many times over the years. Still, perhaps the most controversial is the live-action adaptation starring 1990s comedy king Jim Carrey as the titular antihero. While some immediately adopted the Ron Howard-helme...
the Grinch Stole Christmasis not only about the Grinch, but feels like it could have been directed by him; the whole film is infused with his surly, sour energy. Stretching out Dr. Seuss’ scant cautionary tale to feature length means wallowing in the Grinch’s misery (and Jim Carrey’s...