The greenhouse effect is the process of increasing global temperatures due to greenhouses gases trapping heat in the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect occurs due to the presence of greenhouse gases, which are able to absorb infrared light, or heat....
A. The rise of ocean levels is due to the Antarctic ice cap melting. B. The temperature increase will take a gradual course. C. Human beings will have to suffer more from environmental damage. D. Without greenhouse gases the earth would be extremely hot. 相关...
the greenhouse effect 雅思阅读the greenhouse effect雅思阅读 The greenhouse effect is a natural process that occurs when certain gases in the Earth's atmosphere trap heat from the sun, preventing it from escaping back into space. These gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and ...
Whaleshavebeenfacingseriousdangerforalongtime. First,due1.thegreenhouseeffect,glaciersaremelting,andsomelivingcreatures intheAntarcticandtheArcticareindangerof2.(extinct).Besides,withglobalwarming 3.(become)worse,lifeinotherpartsoftheoceanhasalsobeenseriousl VIP免费下载 下载文档 收藏 分享 赏 0下载...
However, due to its growing population and the dependence of economic development on energy, Canada is now one of the world’s largest emitters of greenhouse gases per capita, with a per capita carbon dioxide emission of 16.85 tons, causing severe pollution [18]. According to the greenhouse ...
(b) Explain how the greenhouse effect results in global warming. Climate change: Climate change term means a change in the climate due to direct and indirect human activities that alter the composition of the global atmosphere. The results of climate change are a shift...
maintains the earth's life.Note:Global warming is the effect which also leads to flood and drought due to which EL Nino is the periodic change in the Pacific Ocean which occurs after every 5-8 years which results in the killing of fishes in the ocean and this effect will be...
The greenhouse effect is a natural process that occurs on Earth. Simply put, it keeps the earth warm enough to sustain life. The greenhouse effect is often thought to be a cause of global warming, however it is important to understand it as a separate ph
The greenhouse effect occurs when greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere trap the sun's energy, warming the surface of the Earth. Thegreenhouse effectworks on Earth's surface just like a greenhouse does: The glass in a greenhouse allows the sun's heat to enter but does not allo...
The method of converting the greenhouse effect gas which it occurs from the fossil fuel to the non poisonous basic elementAs for process, the fossil fuel CO is discharged from the furnace which burns, SO, the process which gathers the greenhouse effect gas of Nox and CO etc; The process ...