As the head guard on Death Row, known here the Green Mile, Paul is earnest and humane. Facing death, the prisoners here are peaceful, hoping for redemption for their crimes, such as the well-adjusted “Del”, who develops a keen friendship with a mouse called “Mr. Jingles”. John ...
《绿里奇迹》影片改编自史蒂芬·金的小说《绿里奇迹》,讲述了二十世纪,保罗在老人院回忆起在当狱长时,高个子黑人约翰·科菲因被误判来到死牢后发生的超自然的事件。 影评赏析
影名《The Green Mile》翻译上,《绿⾥奇迹》更为普世,停留在⼤众喜闻乐见的魔幻现实主义⼈⽂层⾯,这简单之中其实透出天真,奇是神奇,迹是神迹,天真就是天道所揭⽰的真理。约翰.科菲则作为殉道者的代表,⼀点都不复杂,他让我们看到他满是对⼈的怜悯,他的痛苦则源于⼈在罪恶中不⾃知,...
BasedonthenovelbyStephenKing,itisthestoryofmagichappeningin themostunlikelyplace,DeathRowoftheColdMountainPenitentiaryin Louisiana,1935.ThefilmistoldinflashbacksaboutthememoriesofPaul Edgecombeasanoldman.AstheheadguardonDeathRow,knownherethe GreenMile,Paulisearnestandhumane.Facingdeath,theprisonershereare ...
The Green Mile 电影直译是“绿色一英里”,是活着与死亡之间的最后距离。 路易斯安纳州冷山E区的“绿里”是死刑犯最后的栖息地。在冰冷的监狱里渡过最后几周,他们将坐上“电椅”结束生命。生命与死亡就在那一英里的绿色过道上。 荒芜冷寂毫无生气的囚所,随着1935年黑人囚犯约翰·克菲(与咖啡同音)的到来屡放“光芒...
The Green MileMetascore Generally Favorable Based on 36 Critic Reviews 61 User Score Universal Acclaim Based on 667 User Ratings 8.7My Score Hover and click to give a rating Add My Review Where to Watch Max (Subscription required) All Watch Options Not available in your country? Express...
The Green Mile 《绿里奇迹》海报 和很多经典电影一样,本片改编自同名小说。就是写恐怖小说的那哥们:斯蒂芬▪金 影片开头是位正在洗漱的老人,他就是曾经的警长。本片采用倒叙方式 演员大卫·摩斯认为,达拉邦特首先是一作位家,其次才是一名导演。在拍摄本片时,达拉邦特仍在摸索与演员的相处之道,而且他认为要...
Old Paul Edgecomb:We each owe a death - there are no exceptions - but, oh God, sometimes the Green Mile seems so long. Old Paul Edgecomb:I think Mr. Jingles happened by accident. I think when we electrocuted Del, and it all went so badly... well, John can feel that you know....