The Green Finance Institute today launches the Coalition for the Decarbonisation of Road Transport, bringing together global experts and leading figures from the finance, automotive, energy and infrastructure sectors to accelerate the transition to zero emission vehicles. The ...
As a result, the ASEAN countries area has to create and execute green finance solutions that are “clean” without causing any damage to the environment and particularly without harming economic development (Iqbal et al. 2021a, b). The ASEAN areas have long been recognized for their relevance ...
Its latest initiatives include jointly launching a Climate Finance course with CFA Institute. This report gives voice to the views and perspectives of members and stakeholders in the ACCA community who have given their time to explore their ideas in green finance and the net-zero transition. It ...
On 30 March 2024, the Center for Responsible Business and Innovation (CRBI) invited the renowned management science scholar,Professor Yan Dong, from the University of South Carolina to deliver a keynote speech on "Green House Gas Emissions: Carbon Leakage and Mandatory Disclosure", engaging the f...
Green finance is an engine of competitive advantage. By embedding sustainability into all activities, organisations will drive value creation. The following diagram shows the long-term nature of sustainability at the intersection of social equity, economic viability and environmental protection. ...
All of this is excellent. But we will need to be able to go from general approaches to specific solutions. For me, the last points on disclosure and taxonomy are particularly urgent in order to strengthen the integrity of markets that are being created around green finance. ...
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copolyacetal copolymer nanoparticl coporate finance copper meter machines copper -sheathed cabl copper alloy integrat copper and copper all copper claded laminat copper core rubber fl copper finishing blad copper furnace bell copper indium selenid copper isasmelt copper journal copper manganese bron copp...
Liu Xiaochun, vice-president of Shanghai Finance Institute, pointed out that the meeting called for solid work on developing science and technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance. Those areas are key for China to pursue high-quality economic development...