The Greek word eirene has a meaning similar to the Hebrew word shalom. Spiritual peace describes a sense of well- being and fulfillment that comes from God and is dependent on His presence alone (Galatians 5:22). Inner spiritual peace is experienced by any believer who walks in the Spirit ...
"Peace" comes from the Greek word "εἰρήνη" (eirene), which implies more than the absence of conflict. It encompasses wholeness, harmony, and well-being, both internally and in relationships with others. This peace is a result of reconciliation with God through Christ and is a ...
Define Eirene. Eirene synonyms, Eirene pronunciation, Eirene translation, English dictionary definition of Eirene. pl n classical myth the goddesses of the seasons. Also called: the Hours Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Editio
The above verse tells us that the true believer, the one who has been declared righteous by faith is intended by God to live in peace. The Greek word translated as peace iseireneand it has multiple meanings and applications. The primary meaning is that which is the opposite of war. It c...
[1860–65; < Greekeirēnikós=eirḗn(ē)peace +-ikos-ic] i•ren′i•cal•ly,adv. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. ...
Peace is the English translation of the word Eirene, which is the Greek translation of the Hebrew word Shalom. Shalom is most often translated as peace, but it carries a meaning much deeper than “no longer at war.” Inherent in the concept of shalom is oneness or completeness. Shalom ...
His name comes from the Greek word for "honey," which is common image in pastoral poetry, and Meliboe really is a sweet guy. He's father of Pastorella and host to Calidore. Meliboe offers the most... Enias A minor figure in Book 6 who is unwittingly convinced by the cruel Turpine...
Horae (hōˈrē), in Greek religion and mythology, goddesses of the seasons; daughters of Zeus and Themis. Although they controlled the recurrence of the seasons, they also attended other gods and had no cults of their own. The number and names of the Horae differed from region to region...
The origin of this name may be older than the Greek word and derived from the Hebrew name "Tzofia" or "Tsofia", means "watching" (for a female). ―Tadpole 2/9/20091 I used to really hate this name, but now I think it's lovely. Both the meaning and the pronunciation are ...
The Greek word most often translated as peace iseirene, which means “joining what had previously been separated or disturbed.” It is frequently used to signify “setting at one, quietness, and rest.” It doesn’t just mean the absence of conflict but takes into account everything that make...