The research is clear: when we choose humble, unassuming people as our leaders, the world around us becomes a better place.研究表明:当我们选择谦逊、谦逊的人作为我们的领导者时,我们周围的世界会变得更好。Humble leaders improve the performance of a company in the long run because they create ...
Mata is the Greek word meaning "gifts." Charismata, then, means "grace gifts," and the charismatic movement is the term given to the Christian movement that has swept across denominational lines, reaching its peak—at least in America—during the 1970s. It was "uptown" Pentecostalism, with ...
In fact, the first kind of love that usually comes to mind when we use that word is romantic love, from the Greek word eros, from which we derive the English word erotic. A second word for love is philia, or “brotherly love.” So we say “Philadelphia,” the city of brother love...
Fun fact: the word Gibbous was first used in the 14th century and comes from the latin word gibbosus which means humpbacked. Phase Details Phase: Waning Gibbous Moon age: 17.48 days Moon illumination: 86% Moon tilt: -38.666° Moon angle: 0.51 Moon distance: 387,348.65 km Moon sign: Leo ...
The word “partnership” in verse 5 comes from the Greek word *koinonia*, which means fellowship or sharing. This word suggests a deep and mutual participation in something greater than themselves, something that binds the hearts of the Philippians and Paul together. It is not merely a partners...
Cling to Me by immersing yourself in My Word and find the cure for your heartache. I am patiently transfiguring all the notes of your life into the song of My Son, Jesus . . . All is grace, as your hurts and heartaches become tools in My hands, to transform you into the image of...
Kids Definition ethereal adjective ethe·re·ali-ˈthir-ē-əl 1 :of or relating to the heavens:heavenly 2 :being light and airy:delicate ethereally -ē-ə-lē adverb etherealnessnoun Medical Definition ethereal adjective ethe·re·ali-ˈthir-ē-əl ...
Featherstone, K., & Kazamias, G. (1997). In the absence of charisma: The Greek elections of September 1996. West European Politics, 20(2), 157- 164.Featherstone, K., Kazamias, A.M., 1997. In the absence of charisma: the Greek elections of September 1996. West European Politics 20...
[1350–1400; Middle Englisheukarist< Late Latineucharistia< Greekeucharistíagratefulness, thanksgiving. Seeeu-,charisma,-ia] Eu`cha•ris′tic, Eu`cha•ris′ti•cal,adj. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random...
And then he talks about, contrasts that, with this conception of teleocracy, obviously coming from the Greek word telios meaning, moving towards an end. And he’s writing this in a description of the Soviet union, but I’ve always liked his work on teleocracy because I think it jives ...