Greek Death God Also known as HaidesDead good God of the UnderworldHe’s the son of Cronus and Rhea. When the family fortune was divvied up, he got the Underworld share while his brothers Zeus and Poseidon were given the Sky and Sea. There’s nothing wrong with nepotism as long as you...
After her death she was changed into a white poplar in Elysium. The white poplar was sacred to Hades. When Herakles returned form the underworld, he was crowned with poplar leaves."Pausanias, Description of Greece 5. 14. 2 (trans. Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) : "Herakles (...
Elysian Fields,Elysium- (Greek mythology) the abode of the blessed after death Charybdis- (Greek mythology) a ship-devouring whirlpool lying on the other side of a narrow strait from Scylla classical mythology- the system of mythology of the Greeks and Romans together; much of Roman mythology ...
Hades and Thanatos (Death) AlthoughHadeswas theGod of the Underworld and the Dead, he was not the God of Death, as many people falsely believe.Thanatoswas the God of Death and brother of Hypnos. Hades was ruling the Underworld and the souls that resided in it, but he was not choosing ...
Our experience shows us that death does not break our kinship bond. We turn to one another for help and support regardless of which side of death our relatives are on. — Martin Brokenleg[i] We pray for the dead, believing that, as they are drawn nearer to God, they are enabled to ...
I pray thee then, forasmuch as the spirit is a wind, contrive something according to the wisdom given in thee by the Lord thy God, and deign to send a man able to capture it. And behold, King Solomon, I and my people and all my land will serve thee unto death. And all Arabia ...
the underworld as Hell and its ruler as the incarnation of evil, the Greeks and Romans saw the underworld as a place of darkness. Although hidden from the light of day and the living in Hades myths, the god himself was not evil. He was, instead, the keeper of the laws of death. ...
Hadesis the Ancient Greek god of the Underworld, the place where human souls go after death. In time, his name became synonymous with his realm. What did Hades rule over? Hadesruled over the God of the Dead, the Underworld, the Wealth and the Darkness. ...
Demeter pleaded to Zeus, who sent his son Hermes as a messenger, to strike a deal with Hades. Zeus knew if he didn’t help Demeter would always be sad and the crops would not grow, leaving people starve to death. Hermes struck a deal that Hades would marry Persephone and she would be...
Illustrated Introduction to the Greek pantheon of god, including types of gods and individuals. This page links to in depth profiles of each god.