First Love (a.k.a. Hatsukoi) is a 2019 British-Japanese drama film directed by Takashi Miike. A young boxer, Leo (Masataka Kubota) and a call girl, Monica (Sakurako Konishi) meet one night in Tokyo and become involved in a drug-smuggling scheme, the two are pursued by a corrupt cop...
Also ranks #4onThe Greatest Female-Led Comedy Movies 3 Cruel Intentions Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ryan Phillippe, Reese Witherspoon 1,439votes Step into the world of elite Manhattan prep schools where deception reigns supreme in this dark coming-of-age drama. Cruel Intentions showcases Sarah Michelle...
Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi: The World's Greatest First Love (Studio Deen, 2011), also known as Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi, is a Japanese boys' love anime series based on the manga by Shungiku Nakamura. Rookie literary editor Onodera Ritsu finds himself working in the Shojo Manga division of his publishing...
Alex Garland has followed up his film “Ex Machina” with another philosophical drama about technology, the miniseries “Devs.” It’s unique, beautiful, thought provoking, and doesn’t remotely stick the landing. We spend a lengthy pre-Spoiler Horn slot discussing why you might want to watch...
Sonic the Hedgehog, the Japanese-based Sega series of the early ‘90s, has been one of the most successful, and most prolific, spilling over into television, comics and related games and generating its own galaxy of characters. This third big-screen movie in the Sonic franchise continues the...
Ignore the haters, this is robust action filmmaking at its greatest, serving as a prequel to Fury Road but also a fantastic film in its own right. Anya Taylor-Joy captures Furiosa as a survivor in a desperate world, but it’s Chris Hemsworth who steals the movie, sketching a tyrant too...
But writer/director Takashi Yamazaki reclaims the Japanese icon with a movie that gets the balance between rampaging monster action and human drama just right. Set near the close of World War II, Godzilla Minus One proves a fascinating tale of atomic age terror. Ryunosuke Kamiki stars as a ...
Alan Parker directed numerous musicals over his lifetime, from weirdo kids’ gangster drama ‘Bugsy Malone’ to ‘Fame’ to ‘Evita.’ And yet, his greatest contribution to the form is ‘Pink Floyd — The Wall,’ a film interpretation of the prog rock band’s iconic album. Surrealist and...
There's a reason RRR has been called one of the greatest action movies of all time. First released in cinemas, RRR has found a new life on Netflix, with Western audiences discovering this Indian epic. Directed by S. S. Rajamouli, the Telugu-language movie takes place in the 1920s and...
Technology Research Center; Han Da-on (31), a beauty company marketer; Kang Da-hae (26), an intern at a fashion company; Hong Ha-nu (32), CEO of Hallyu Entertainment; Park Han-gyeol (25), a wedding video company CEO, and Mo Chan-sol (29), an elementary school gym teacher.Althoug...