Synopsis:"The Greatest Showman" is a bold and original musical that celebrates the birth of show business and the sense of wonder we feel when dreams come to life. Inspired by the ambition and imagination of P.T. Barnum, "The Greatest Showman" tells the story of a visionary who rose from...
The Greatest Showman Edit ABC broadcasts speed up the audio at only 2%. Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content IMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our data Learn more about contributing Edit page More from this title ...
Become a member to see MOVIEmeter and news information about The Greatest Showman. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Box Office as of 12/17/24 Become a member to see Box Office information about The Greatest Showman. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Release date 十二月 20, 2017 (United State...
《马戏之王 The Greatest Showman》剧情简介 《马戏之王》取材自真人真事,好莱坞全能巨星休·杰克曼在片中饰演“马戏团鼻祖”、传奇人物P.T.巴纳姆。故事讲述了身处社会底层的巴纳姆依靠自己无穷想象力和锲而不舍的精神,从经营博物馆到一手开创世界上第一家马戏团的故事。巴纳姆的奇思妙想最开始并不被大众所认可,...
The Greatest Showman tells the incredible true story of P.T. Barnum and his famous circus. The film chronicles the rise of Barnum (Hugh Jackman) from a penniless dreamer to a wealthy and well-respected gentleman, establishing his circus with the help of playwright Philip Carlyle (Zac Efron)... The Sundance Team on 2025 Standouts and a Few Likely Hot Buys, from ‘Spider Woman’ Jennifer Lopez to a ‘High-Octane’ Rose Byrne 12/12/2024 by Anne Thompson and Ryan Lattanzio Indiewire Into the Woods “The man is worth 5 billion dollars..”: George Lucas Watching...
the Greatest Showman on Earth est une comédie musicale retraçant la vie de P.T. Barnum, le créateur du plus grand crique au monde du même nom. Le premier hic, c’est que l’histoire présentée est très... Lire la critique ...
Zendaya In Zendaya: First big-screen roles and other parts from the late 2010s …talents in the musical film The Greatest Showman, performing trapeze and singing (with Zac Efron) one of the movie’s most-talked-about songs (“Rewrite the Stars”).Read MoreZendaya...
The Greatest Showman movie information and showtimes in Edmonton. Information about the movie The Greatest Showman, including the The Greatest Showman...
Comedy, Drama, Musical, Thriller Step right up... and into the spellbinding imagination of a man who set out to reveal that life itself can be the most thrilling show of all. Inspired by the legend and ambitions of America’s original pop-culture impresario, P.T. Barnum (Hugh Jackman),...