4. (often foll by: for) to destine or design (for a certain person or purpose): she was meant for greater things. 5. (may take a clause as object) to denote or connote; signify; represent: examples help show exactly what a word means. 6. (may take a clause as object) to pr...
Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.— Oscar Wilde —NO.12我们面对生活的唯一办法,就是从中找到意义和价值,无论这意义多么微不足道。The only way to deal with this life is to find some meaning in it, however small and inadequate that meaning may be.— St...
The meaning of GREATER/BETTER/MORE THAN THE SUM OF ITS PARTS is —used to say that something is better or more effective as a team, combination, etc., than would be expected when looking at the different parts that form it. How to use greater/better/more
Plus, there are regular and irregular verbs, and modal verbs don't fit in either of those groups. What matters is using the different types of verbs correctly. We hope this guide has given you a greater understanding of the types of verbs in English....
4. (often foll by: for) to destine or design (for a certain person or purpose): she was meant for greater things. 5. (may take a clause as object) to denote or connote; signify; represent: examples help show exactly what a word means. 6. (may take a clause as object) to pr...
quoting an earlier work by himself and another1:“The meaning of prautes (the Greek word translated into English as ‘meekness’) is not readily expressed in English, for the terms meekness, mildness, commonly used, suggest weakness and pusillanimity to a greater or less extent, whereas pr...
Feeling that the meaning of your life is a function of a greater whole is not at all incompatible with having a robust sense of selfhood. 置身于发达的后现代资本主义社会的实用主义和市侩气息中,加上它对远大图景和宏大叙事的怀疑、对形而上事物的固执的驱魅,“人生”和许多其他总体性概念一样已经名...
individually ever have a greater fruit than an offering made to the monastic Sangha". Consistency proves that the Savaka Sangha, the unsurpassed field of merit in the world, must be a part, a subset of the monastic Sangha - there is no greater fruit than an offering to the monastic ...
are actions that run entirely counter to the spirit of democracy. The world does not need to create division under the pretext of democracy. It needs to enhance solidarity and cooperation on the basis of the purposes and principles of the UN Charter for greater democracy in international ...