股市中人把这种现象称为“更大傻瓜理论”(The greater fool theory),视股价暴跌为“灾难”者,多数是“更大傻瓜”的徒弟。2 – 不理会企 …blog.sina.com.cn|基于21个网页 2. 大傻理论 第一点说的是:泡沫是人的非理性决定的,相关的有大傻理论(The Greater Fool Theory),羊群理论,等等。 现在的中国,房地...
是这样的,大多数人都玩过击鼓传花或者抢椅子的游戏,当鼓声或者音乐停止的时候,没能将花传给下家或者没能抢到椅子坐下的倒霉鬼,就要接受惩罚。。。这在经济学上有个专门的术语,叫The Greater Fool Theory (TGFT),姑且让我翻译成大傻瓜理论。 维基百科上TGFT理论的经济学解释如下 大傻瓜理论直白地告诉我们,在投...
小E的这个朋友,就是一个GREATER FOOL. 然而,他并不是一个真正的GREATER FOOL。诚然,最初的大傻瓜理论就是一个贬义的词,它代表着盲目、贪婪和随大流。这个经济学里的小众理论,跟所有的其他资本理论一样,都代表着追逐利益的性质。 就大傻瓜理论而言,它说出了大傻瓜们投机行为背后的动机——投机行为的关键是判断“...
小E的这个朋友,就是一个GREATER FOOL. 然而,他并不是一个真正的GREATER FOOL。诚然,最初的大傻瓜理论就是一个贬义的词,它代表着盲目、贪婪和随大流。这个经济学里的小众理论,跟所有的其他资本理论一样,都代表着追逐利益的性质。 就大傻瓜理论而言,它说出了大傻瓜们投机行为背后的动机——投机行为的关键是判断“...
The greater fool theory is an investment belief that explains why certain investors buy things like real estate, stocks, or artwork that seem to be overpriced. Even if the investment isn’t worth the asking price — and in many cases it isn’t — the theory teaches that, sooner or later...
Learn what the financial term "Greater Fool Theory" means and how it pertains to investing practices. See real examples of how it works.
再看Investopidia对"Greater Fool Theory"的定义:The greater fool theory states that it is possible to make money by buying securities, whether or not they are overvalued, by selling them for a profit at a later date. This is because there will always be someone (i.e. a bigger or greater...
aThe idea described above has been called the "greater-fool" theory. It implies that although one may be a fool for buying an asset that is overpriced, one can profit if there are still greater fools who will pay even more for it. The idea is an example of the model of contingent ...
It examines the Odd-Lotter Theory which is based on the assumption that the public majority is always wrong at important tops. The Speculation Index method was been introduced to explain further the Odd-Lotter Theory. In additio...
凯恩斯利用心理原理而非财务评估来研究股票市场。说得损点儿,这一理论可称为 “博傻” 理论(greater fool” theory)。只要以后能找到什么人,他们天真地愿意以五倍于实际价格的价钱买入某物,那么你现在以三倍于实际价格的价钱买入,就完全没有问题。