It has five rows of up to 3,000 very white, very sharp teeth. It needs them because the great white shark is a carnivore. It will eat almost anything that swims in the sea, from fish to dolphins to other sharks. Oh, and people, too. So, imagine how Rob Howes felt when he faced...
The great white shark is a meat﹣eating fish with a very wide mouth, and its mouth has rows of sharp teeth, each of which is about three inches long. The great white shark use these teeth to tear up(撕碎)i 1 food. The great white shark looks like a missile(导弹). This helps it...
The Great White Shark音频:00:0024:59 The great white shark is widely known as the "man-eater".It is a giant of a fish that can grow to lengths of well over 30 feet. The 2-inch-long saw-edged teeth make it one of th...
Great White Shark s One of the most feared animals in the world is the shark and the shark most people afraid of is the great white shark. It gets its name from its white belly. The top of the great white shark is gray which helps itblend in withthe rocky bottom of the ocean. Alt...
2003. Great White Shark Teeth Used as Pendants and Possible Tools by Early-Middle Holocene Terrestrial Mammal Hunter-Gatherers in the Eastern Pampas (Southern South America). International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 13: 222-231.Cione, A.L., Bonomo, M., 2003. Great White shark teeth used as ...
Some great white sharks are over six metres long. They need a lot of food.They only eat meat. The great white shark has a very pow- erful(强有力的)nose. It can smell blood in the water many metres away. All sharks have more than one set of teeth. Many teeth break or get lost...
The shark has rows of long, sharp teeth. It eats fish, dolphins, seals, and other ocean animals.Great white sharks are often found in waters near the coast. A coast is land next to the ocean. People areathreat to great white sharks. People hunt them for their teeth, jaws, and meat....
The Great White Man-Eating Shark - Norvin has razor teeth and looks as much like a shark as any young boy can. So he makes a dorsal fin out of plastic and sets off to scare everyone out of the water. Now Norvin has the cove to himself. Or does he? The su
which are put off the beaches to protect swimmers in Australia and South Africa.Even the great white shark is reducing as humans hunt it for its teeth, which are sold to collectors. Maybe it is time we began worrying less about protecting people from sharks and more about protecting sharks ...
This name is well-chosen, as great white sharks have rows of up to 300 serrated, triangular teeth. These sharks have bullet-shaped bodies, gray skin and white bellies. Despite being one of the best-known shark species thanks to movies such as "Jaws" (1975), great white sharks live a ...