“The Great Wave”(巨浪)之名为世人所熟知,这幅作品中也隐含着北斋毕生所付出的努力。本文所讲述的正是这超越时代、跨越国界、集万千宠爱于一身的“巨浪”的诞生秘闻。 北斋毕生的挑战—— “海浪” 北斋一生所绘包罗万象。潺潺流水、徐徐清风……,有形之物,无形之像,呈现笔端,皆具魅力。 北斋特别执着于...
The Great Wave是日本画家Katsushika Hokusai 葛飾北斎的作品。现在人们看到的都是版画的prints。原稿已经在雕刻母板的时候被消耗了。就像其他很多现今变成巨作的作品一样,这幅巨浪也并没有meant to be惊世骇俗。Hokusai当时也就是个craftsmen。Craftsman并不是对一个人的技艺的评价,而是当时社会对艺术人群的定位。从他...
神奈川冲浪里》是非常典型的浮世绘风格,但这幅画又不仅仅是一副浮世绘,可以说这幅画代表了典型的东瀛美学。在《菊与刀》一书中,鲁斯·本尼迪克特点出日本国民性蕴含“极端化”与“双重性”的特征,这幅画所传递的,正是这种极致矛盾的美感:静态的山、动态的浪;危险的浪花、平静的表情,画面唯美又危险 知识点:浮...
he invented YAN Powder painting materials in Foshan and established the Deep Time Painting. His exhibition spaces cover Foshan, Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong. His works combine both Eastern and Western
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(over 30,000 art works) and deeply influenced by Western art, esp. Dutch landscape and nature. In return, Hokusai's works influenced Western artists such as Van Gogh and Whistler. Hokusai's best-known work, and Japan's most famous painting is "The Great Wave", which is actually Western...
Hokusai - The Great Wave Landscape Poster – Painting of an ocean with large waves and boats in the water, and a light beige sky
赶上葛饰北斋the great wave特展,日本画家总共就知道三个,除去北斋,剩下只认识奈良美智和草间弥生,都在这个特展齐活了,还看到纽约的老熟人Drowning girl😂猜猜哪幅是北斋女儿的作品😛
The Great Wave off Kanagawa Grey ash Play Ready to hangBorn in 1760 in Edo (modern day Tokyo) to a family of artisans, Hokusai began painting at the age of six. Despite constant challenges in his career Hokusai endowed the world with some of the most arresting evocative and historically cr...
2015 Paintings - The Great Wave by Katsushika Hokusai, 1760-1849 16. 一月 窗口管理器: 空缺 纸张规格 : 30 设计: Valérie Besser 雕版: Phil@poste. 筛孔: 13 号码类型面值颜色描述 5871HKP1.90€彩色(800000)22.71-22.71-CNY 1849-1849 1850-1859 ...