Das Vaterland(即祖国)是Hoi4的mod Equestria at War(即马国戡乱史)的一个子mod,讲述了一个幻形灵在伟大战争中大获全胜最终导致两大陆冷战的故事,更多信息可移至我们的主专栏。TekGGD:祖国[DV/Das Vaterlan…
Das Vaterland(即祖国)是Hoi4的mod Equestria at War(即马国戡乱史)的一个子mod,讲述了一个幻形灵在伟大战争中大获全胜最终导致两大陆冷战的故事,更多信息可移至我们的主专栏。TekGGD:祖国[DV/Das Vaterlan…
Become a member of the Triple Entente or of the Central Powers and help your side in the Great War. From the French-German border, the Balkans Wars, the Russian Revolution and more to come, this complete overhaul mod includes a new map, new events, new leaders, new governments, new unit...
【Hoi4/The Great War Redux】一战,但是德国是军政MoscouRadioRouge编辑于 2023年05月30日 23:12 BGM: 55 Tage in Peking五十五天在北京-德语版 【德国反fxs歌曲】No pasarán不许通过 德国爱国歌曲 “Was Ist Des Deutschen Vaterland” 德国歌曲Volk ans gewehr原声带...
【钢铁雄心4】The Great War伟大的苏俄(如果看的人多一点就坐下一期qwq) 577 4 20:51 钢铁雄心4看海第三期 1693 1 5:40 【钢铁雄心4看海】(尝试)第一次世界大战———其一 16.8万 702 15:50 【HOI4】 Mod体验 | 如果法国赢了一战会怎么样 2.1万 45 6:59 钢铁雄心4 内战看海8 热门评论(6) ...
Hearts of Iron IV: The Great War - Open Beta 0.12.3 Location Files Filename HOI4TGW_Version_0.12.3.zip Category Full Version Uploader WolferosTeam Added Feb 4th, 2021 Size 287.6mb (301,565,847 bytes) Downloads 2,047 (1 today)
主要mod:The Great War Redux及其中文汉化地图mod:Kaiserreich style map这个mod是对元老级一战mod The Great War的重制与改进版,添加了大量新的机制和系统,同时修改和添加了一部分的国策,让游戏体验更具有多样性和史实感。楼主这次游玩的是沙皇俄国。———看B站的相关测评及其评论,有很多人并不喜欢这个mod,认为...
3.Cores- Done 4.Add realistic population, economy Done 5.Remove rebellions- Done Updates for Beta 1.1 1. Decision Menu is here. Want more detailed gameplay? Look no more! Decision menu will have a hoi4 style menu where you can control your colonies, change your national policies etc... ...
Repository files navigation README The Great War Redux: Sub-ideology Icons Download on SteamAbout "The Great War Redux" sub-ideology icons mod steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2856286421 Topics mod hoi4 hearts-of-iron-4 hoi4mod hearts-of-iron-iv Resources Readme Activity St...
For more informations please visit The Hearts of Iron IV Community Wiki: https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/Hearts_of_Iron_4_Wiki 30 changes: 2 additions & 28 deletions 30 mod/thegreatwar/common/decisions/stability_war_support.txt Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change...