...2克拉)被镶在英国国王权杖上(见上图),又被称为非洲伟大之星(the Great Star of Africa),第二大的克利兰二号(317.4克拉)被镶 …tw.myblog.yahoo.com|基于2个网页 3. 南非巨星 “南非巨星”(the Great Star of Africa)——也以“库里南I号钻石”(Cullinan I Diamond)之名著称 21.04.11 / 世界 关于...
#5 – The Great Star of Africa; The Cullinan The Star of Africa or Cullinan I is currently the largest polished, colorless diamond in the world and weighs a hefty 530.20 carats. Interestingly, this diamond was cut from a larger piece of diamond which weighed 3106 carats initially. Today, t...
The Star of South Africa 南非之星 “南非之星”的英文名稱為Star of South Africa,重47.55carats,無色,梨形琢刻形狀,原產於南非,是一顆極優質的凈水鑽,原鑽石重83.5carats。 1866年,南非金伯利城的一個女孩拾到一顆巨大的金剛石,把它送給了獵人尼科克。後來經過幾次轉手,金剛石以當時的價值12500英磅賣給利立非...
The second largest gem cut from the Cullinan stone, Cullinan II or the Lesser Star of Africa, weights in at 317.4 carats and it’s the fourth largest polished diamond in the world. The original diamond was named after Sir Thomas Cullinan, who opened the Premier mine in South Africa, from ...
全球最大的鑽石原石The Cullinan 非洲之星是在1905年於南非Premier礦場中發現,重量高達3106 carats。後來經切割、琢磨成許多大小不一的鑽石,最大者(Cullinan I)被鑲嵌在英皇的權杖上,重達530.2 carats,號稱「非洲之星」。 用Cullinan I (530.20 carats)鑲嵌成的英皇權杖 ...
What Happened to the Cullinan Diamond? According toHistory.com, the Cullinan was later cut into nine large stones and about 100 smaller ones, valued at millions of dollars. “The largest stone is called the “Star of Africa I,” or “Cullinan I,” and at 530 carats, it is the largest...
TheCullinan Diamondis the largest rough diamond ever found, weighing in at 3,106 carats. It was discovered in South Africa in 1905 and was eventually cut into several smaller diamonds, the largest of which is known as the Great Star of Africa. The Cullinan Diamond is part of the British ...
The largest diamond ever discovered was the 3,106 carat Cullinan stone in South Africa in 1905. The stone was cut into several large polished gems, including the Great Star of Africa and the Lesser Star of Africa, both of which are housed in Britain’s crown jewels. An expanded version of...
Gemstones, The Crown Jewels of Great Britain, the Hope Diamond, the Dresden Green Diamond, the Tiffany Yellow Diamond, the Great Chrysanthemum Diamond, the Orlov Diamond, the Chalk Emerald ring, the Star of Africa, the Cullinan, the Mouawad Group, Tiffan
The diamond was ultimately cut into nine smaller stones including the 530.20 carat Star of Africa, which is valued at over $400 million alone. The Hope Diamond: The Hope Diamond is a grayish-blue diamond that was discovered in India at an unknown date. It has a long history, in which ...