“My parents absolutely did not think of themselves as part of the Great Migration. They knew they were part of a great wave. No one really talked about it in those terms or gave it a name. I grew up surrounded by people who were from North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia—all aroun...
非洲动物大迁徙 The Great Migration 更新至第4集(6.30) 纪录片 / 自然 共12集 1.8万人观看 1非洲动物大迁徙 第1集 - 1 14:52 2非洲动物大迁徙 第1集 - 2 14:55 3非洲动物大迁徙 第1集 - 3 14:48 4非洲动物大迁徙 第2集 - 1 14:40 5非洲动物大迁徙 第2集 - 2 14:43 6非洲动物大迁徙 ...
根据上文“The Great Migration began when the North had a labor problem. The North had been relying on cheap labor from Europe — immigrants from Europe — to work the factories and the foundries and the steel mills. (当北方出现劳工问题时,大迁徙开始了。北方一直依靠来自欧洲的廉价劳动力——来...
Though the term was coined inTheEpic of America, 1931, the Great Migration, often seen as the start of the U.S., was also the initiation of the embryonic form of the American Dream. Those aspects, the pursuit of freedom, the adventurous spirit and the emphasis on rights, democracy and ...
Every year, around 1.5 million wildebeest; 350,000 Thomson's gazelle; 200,000 zebra; and thousands of eland and other ungulates (hoofed animals) participate in what has been called 'the greatest show on Earth', The Great Wildebeest Migration. By August, the herds have faced the challenge of...
...开明而寒冷”的北方城市谋生和淘金;芝加哥就是这次“大迁徙”(the Great Migration)运动的几个重要终站之一。 news.sohu.com|基于34个网页 2. 动物大迁徙 动物大迁徙(the Great Migration) is one of the natural wonders in the world. 超过二百万只动物全年因应气候在Serengeti in Tanz... ...
[4] 非洲动物大迁徙 第2集(上) 1826播放 14:40 [5] 非洲动物大迁徙 第2集(中) 585播放 14:43 [6] 非洲动物大迁徙 第2集(下) 1307播放 14:34 [7] 非洲动物大迁徙 第3集(上) 1290播放 13:40 [8] 非洲动物大迁徙 第3集(中) 556播放 ...
Reports on the California Stories series initiative by the California Council for the Humanities. Impetus for the development of the California Stories initiative; Information on the radio program 'Vietnam Reconsidered: Lessons from a ...
鬣狗撒开罗网,杀戮和伏击瞬间爆发。秃鹫几十里外赶来向狮子分一杯羹。一群雄斑马在荒原上肆无忌惮的奔跑着。这一切便是发生在东非游猎天堂的肯尼亚。1 动物大迁徙 每年5到6月,坦桑尼亚大草原的青草被逐渐消耗,角马、蹬羚、斑马等动物为了生存,从坦桑尼亚的塞伦盖蒂国家公园北上展开大迁徙。在逃过埋伏...
今天发布的是套装中《The Great Migration》这本书的翻译。 正文及末页的翻译正文如下: The Great Migration 大迁徙 作者:Deborah Lock 低矮的草已经干枯而且所剩无几。现在是三月份,(时值旱季),无雨可下。在位于坦桑尼亚北部的塞伦盖蒂国家公园南部区域,大群的动物在聚集。为了活命,它们必须再次迁徙去寻找新鲜茂盛的...