Beginning in the 1890s, many African Americans started moving North. This migration pattern became more pronounced as some six million blacks moved from rural areas of the South to northern and western cities between 1916 and 1970 during the Great Migration. During this time,World War Iopened ma...
Great Trek n (Historical Terms)the Great TrekhistorySouth Africanthe migration of Boer farmers with their slaves and African servants from the Cape Colony to the north and east from about 1836 to 1845 to escape British authority Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition ...
Mann, Britain and Ireland. Once a pervasive goddess of northern Europe, her traditions have been corrupted so that she is variously depicted in corrupt and christianised myths as a giant, the devil or a great beast
(Placename) a desert in S Arabia, mainly in Saudi Arabia, extending southeast from Nejd to Hadramaut and northeast from Yemen to the United Arab Emirates. Area: about 777 000 sq km (300 000 sq miles). English names:Great Sandy DesertorEmpty QuarterAlso called:Ar Rimal ...
, Encyclopaedia Britannica: Book of the Year 2012 (London: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2012), 735; ‘perhaps 11% of the population in Syria (approximately two million people)’, in: Stefan Winter, A History of the Alawis: from Medieval Aleppo to the Turkish Republic, 1; ‘Approximately 11%’...
Lorenzo the Magnificent was born January 1, 1449 and he died April 9, 1492, in Careggi, near Florence a rather short life and unceremonious end to a life which may have been judged by God (“Lorenzo the Magnificent” Britannica retrieved January 14, 2023) Niccolò Machiavelli – The Prince...
Notes 1. “Great New Musical Express’ Pool Winners’ Supplement. Rock’n’roll still rules the roost!,”New Musical Express, 9 October 1959. 2. “Beatlemania sweeps across Britain!,”New Musical Express, 27 December 1963. 3. See Sandbrook,Never Had it so Good; Sandbrook,White Heat; King...
cultivation using large amounts of labour and capital relative to land area, while intensive animal husbandry is any concentrated, confined animal growing operation for meat, milk or egg production located in pens or houses wherein the animals are provided with externally sourced feed (Britannica ...
Homes of Family Names in Great Britain, H.B. Guppy, London 1890 The Oxford Dictionary of Family Names in Britain and Ireland, P.Hanks, Coats, McClure OUP 2016 1860 Lower, Mark A Patronymica Britannica: a dictionary of the family names of the United Kingdom, London: J.R Smith. Public ...
Here is what Britannica has to say about this time period; Pennsylvanian Subperiod, second major interval of the Carboniferous Period, lasting from 323.2 million to 298.9 million years ago. The Pennsylvanian is recognized as a time of significant advance and retreat by shallow seas. Many nonmarin...