The great meaning of Metanoia...Treadwell. Walden
The Great Biblical Meaning Of “Metanoia” | Except Ye Repent (Dr. Harry Ironside)Salvation is not doing your best, it is having Christ's best put to your account through receiving Him by faith.The graphs below are NOT opinions. They are fact! Please pay careful attention to the year 196...
The answer to your question is in the meaning of the word that many English versions translate as “forever.” As I explain in this post, the word ‘olam means “to indefinite futurity,” that is, “for as far into the future as anyone can imagine.” Samuel was telling Saul that God...
The angels are with everyone simultaneously and are not limited by time or details or space; meaning we need not be concerned over the size of any situation, or how many people you are asking about, in truth, nothing is too seemingly little or too big for the angels of God in the High...
The most widespread meaning of the word “intellectual” is even narrower and includes a political dimension. Real intellectuals are those who go beyond their immediate area of expertise to intervene in public policy issues, usually in a spirit of disagreement with the authorities. This concept was...
For all that certainty, though, the meaning of the message was not clear. I did understand that “following the same path” meant continuing to work for the Earth and the people who depend upon it, that that would remain my vocation. But what did it mean to turn around and go in the...
The roots of the word “repent” are very interesting and suggest something quite different — not intensification of guilt and contrition. When we look at the Greek roots of the word repentance, the verb is metonoata. The noun is metanoia. The Greek roots are very interesting...
And so we have these lovely voices of delight and wisdom today. The wonder and thrill of Sophia co-creating everything, every little thing, with the Creator. The beautiful image of the Word made flesh in John. And Mary Magdelene reveling in her connection to the great I Am. “I am wi...
Now the word repentance here is the Greek word metanoia. It means a change of mind, a conversion, reform of life, in effect a “turning around”. John is calling on the people to turn around, repent, and reform their lives. He compares the people to fruit trees – trees that bear go...
Let’s look at the meaning of the names of our cast and finish with words of redemptive fulfillment. Gomer 1) Gomer, the name of Hosea’s unfaithful wife comes from the Hebrew word ‘gamar’, meaning complete! What? I think many times people are given names which signify their calling ...