“What you doing, Nick? ” “I'm a bond man.” “Who with? ” I told him. “Never heard of them, ” he remarked decisively. This annoyed me. “You will, ” I answered shortly. “You will if you stay in the East.” “Oh, I'll stay in the East, don't you worr...
了不起的盖茨比 THE GREAT GATSBY(英文原版) 登录 CHAPTER 1 In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since. ‘Whenever you feel like criticising anyone,'he told me,‘just remember that all the people in this world ...
Nick认为,他们并不完全快乐,但也不是完全不快乐。 解析———黛西选择了汤姆的安全,而不是盖茨比的爱,就像盖茨比离开战争时一样。(主题2.&3.&4.) 摘要———尼克告诉盖茨比一切都很安静,但盖茨比仍然拒绝离开。尼克让他“什么都不看”。 解析———盖茨比不能放弃他的梦想,即使它已经死了。(主题2.) 《了...
Nick搭线,Gatsby与Daisy要见面了。 The day agreed upon was pouring rain. At eleven o’clock a man in a raincoat, dragging a lawn-mower, tapped at my front door and said that Mr. Gatsby had sent him over to cut my grass.This reminded me that I had forgotten to tell my Finn to come...
把进衣柜或者出去划船Illpushyouinoineclosets,andouttsaibas! 什么都没sna. 我听见Imnotlitenigtoword okssen NickDaisy告诉我你在西卵区SNic,DaiytellmethatyoureovriWestEgg. rh 把你的家当都投进Throwingyoulotwit 为主almemo 所谓的社交的新型赚钱方式thosesocilcibingprimitivnewneytypes. ...
浅析《The Great Gatsby》 这篇书评可能有关键情节透露 用时:10h+3min。笔记: 177条。大致内容: 文中的"我"叫尼克(Nick),从中西部故乡来到纽约,住在盖茨比(Gatsby)的隔壁。夜晚,盖茨比常在自己的豪华宅第举行派对,无论认不认识盖茨比都可以参加。也因为盖茨比的这个习惯,尼克通过参加派对认识了他。故事就这样开始...
s extravagant lifestyle and wild parties are an attempt to impress Daisy in the hopes that she will one day appear at Gatsby's doorstep. Gatsby now wants Nick to arrange a reunion between himself and Daisy. Nick invites Daisy to have tea at his house, without telling her that Gatsby will...
The Great Gatsby F.Scott.Fitzgerald . Character List Daisy Buchanan - Nick’s cousin, and the woman Gatsby loves. As a young woman inLouisvillebefore the war, Daisy was courted by a number of officers, including Gatsby. She fell in love with Gatsby and promised to wait for him. However,...