If you enjoy reading literary fiction or if you’re a fan of the Jazz Age, you will definitely enjoy The Great Gatsby. I plowed through the entire book in one day and loved every minute of it.《了不起的盖茨比》是美国作家弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德创作的一部以以20世纪20年代的纽约市及长岛为...
辛德勒的名单 Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire. 当你挽救了一条生命,就等于挽救了全世界。 V for Vendetta V字仇杀队 People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people. 人民不应该害怕他们的政府。政府应该害怕他们的人民。 Scent of a Woman ...
.A Summary of the Book The novel was told the story of Gatsby by the narrator Nick. Nick is tired of his hometown’ life so that he moves to New York from the Midwest of America. He rents a small house in the suburb that happens to be next ...
The Great Gatsby Book Summary Table of Contents Nick Carraway, the narrator, recalls the day the summer began. He remembers having an awkward dinner with his cousin Daisy Buchanan and her husband Tom Buchanan at their mansion in fashionable East Egg, New York. Nick has just moved to neighborin...
美国文学选读 The Great Gatsby 分析F. Scott Fitzgerald (1890 - 1940) II. His masterpiece: The Great Gatsby 1.The story summary: The entire story takes place in one summer in 1922. The novel describes the life and death of Jay Gatsby, as seen through the eyes of a narrator who does ...
Set in the 1920’s Jazz Age on Long Island, The Great Gatsby chronicles narrator Nick Carraway's interactions with the mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby and Gatsby's obsession to reunite with his former lover, the beautiful Daisy Buchanan. First published in 1925, the book has enthralled generati...
Nevertheless, everything will gone with the death of Gatsby. Chapter 9 Summary: Knowing this entire Nick tries to contact with Daisy but is rejected by her butler. She leaves with her husband without knowing the fact. There is nobody but Nick on Gatsby's funeral. Finally Nick leaves here ...
In The Great Gatsby, Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald portrays multiple themes. Themes such as greed, power, corruption, and the idea of an American Dream. The most well conveyed themes are the ideas of betrayal and the power struggle among Gatsby and Tom. Throughout the entire book Fitzgerald pu...
1、F.ScottFitzgerald(1890-1940)II.Hismasterpiece:TheGreatGatsby1.Thestorysummary:Theentirestorytakesplaceinonesummerin1922.ThenoveldescribesthelifeanddeathofJayGatsby,asseenthroughtheeyesofanarratorwhodoesnotsharethesamepointofviewasthefashionablepeoplearoundhim.ThenarratorlearnsthatGatsbybecamerichbyb ...