The only Official website of The Great Frog London, handmade jewellery in London since 1972. UK stores in London Carnaby and Shoreditch only.
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The Princess and the Frog is a 2009 American animated musical comedy adventure fantasy film based on E.D. Baker's novel The Frog Princess, which was in turn inspired by the Brothers Grimm's fairy tale The Frog Prince. The film opened in limited release in New York City and Los Angeles ...
潮库CKOO 22-08-3 17:51 发布于 广东 来自 微博 伦敦珠宝商The Great Frog和Dr. Martens合作,推出全新鞋款系列 û收藏 1 5 ñ151 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...广州...
不过既然出门了,当然要带上我的银饰宝贝见见光。说到The Great Frog,那可是我心中最爱的银饰品牌之一。这个来自英国的暗黑朋克机车品牌,真的是让人欲罢不能。它的slogan“All the water of the earth are contained within the armpit of the great frog”不仅荒诞,还成了品牌名字的由来。无论是用料、做工还是...
This privacy policy should be read alongside, and in addition to, our Terms and Conditions, which can be found at: Please read this privacy policy carefully. Definitions and interpretation ...
The Great Frog x Dr.Martens 合作鞋款发布 金属美学与叛逆精神的碰撞。 近日,Dr.Martens 与伦敦珠宝品牌 The Great Frog 进行合作,推出 JADON TGF 和 1460 TGF 合作靴款。The Great Frog 自 1972 年成立以来一直凭借其哥特式设计深受摇滚明星、亚文化反叛者喜爱。在两者的首次合作中,The Great Frog 的深色金属...
The Great Frog x Dr. Martens系列 via:Dr. Martens 伦敦珠宝商The Great Frog和Dr. Martens合作,联手推出了具有反叛精神和摇滚风格系列。 以Dr. Martens1460 TGF和Jadon TGF为蓝本,均装饰了金属配件细节。该系列将于8月在Dr. Martens的官网上发布。
Exclusive: Veteran producers William Shockley and Tom Brady have partnered with Allen Gilmer and Riki Rushing to launch Thunderbird Pictures, a new production company to have a presence in both Los Angeles and Austin, TX.Thunderbird’s launch was teased last month at SXSW, where the company ser...