On Aug. 19, 1955,the Great Flood of 1955occurred in Burlington. The last time Connecticut had witnessed such heavy rainfalls was during colonial times. Fast forward to 64 years later to October 2019 when strong winds and heavy rains left thousands of residents without electricity in Wilton, Con...
More thanhalf of the country was affected by a prolonged droughtthat included large parts of the Southeast, West, the Great Plains, northwestern Great Lakes, and south-central Texas. The drought contributed to agricultural and livestock losses and many communities adopted water and burning restriction...
In 1936, in response to public demands for federal aid for flood-prone areas of the country and for work relief in the midst of the Great Depression, Congress passed and President Roosevelt signed the first general flood control bill - the first piece of legislation to provide for flood ...
7. Modeling Storm Surge and Inundation in Washington, DC, during Hurricane Isabel and the 1936 Potomac River Great Flood [O] . Harry V. Wang, Jon Derek Loftis, David Forrest, 2015 机译:华盛顿特区飓风伊莎贝尔和1936年波托马克河大洪水期间的风暴潮和淹没模型 获取...
Most of these districts lay along the two banks of the Tisza River, and people flocked into the great mezővárosok, or oppidi (towns), that are still a feature of the area. There they enjoyed a measure of protection, but the countryside between these towns was abandoned except for ...
Seven small streams in central and western Connecticut rose to levels on January 25 higher than those reached during the great floods of March 1936. Crest discharge of these streams approximated 100 second-feet per square mile. Ice cover was loosened and sent downstream in recurrent jams. In ...
With the cost of $49 million dollars, Lake Mead was constructed between 1931 to 1936 by the Reclamation Bureau. The Hoover Dam associated with the lake generates 2080 megawatts of power. At the time of construction, it provides jobs for thousands of workers during the Great Depression. ...
Agnes Smedley wrote in her diary on Oct. 23, 1937 that she was writing in the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army where she had been for the past months. She even took part in military activities and gave a great deal of publicity to the struggle against Japanese invaders. She often ...
Tom and Daisy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby smash up things and creatures and then retreat “back into their money or their vast carelessness … and let other people clean up the mess.” Marquand and most of his protagonists, on the other hand, may no longer really believe in the old ...
My Great-Uncle Fred took this snapshot out of a trolley car’s front window as it climbed up the trestle over the CB&Q tracks in Oswego just after it crossed the Oswego Bridge. (Little White School Museum collection) A southbound trolley car tops the trestle over the CB&Q tracks in Oswe...