This week (July 19) in 1789, five days after the infamousstorming of the Bastille prison by a...Kauffmann, Bruce
法国大革命[英文] The French Revolution TheFrenchRevolution -KeyConcepts- I.RevolutionaryIdeas -IdeologicalFoundationforPoliticalLiberalism- A.Liberty Thenotionofindividual humanrightsAnewtypeofgovernmentinwhichthepeoplearesovereignTheimportanceofarepresentativeassemblyTheimportanceofawritten...
A Case Study: Storming the Bastille Events of the night of July 13, 1789 Reasons for the attack on the Bastille the next morning The stubbornness of the governor of the fortress Celebrations on the night of July 14th Sparks tremendous popular revolution all over France G. “The Great Fear...
Define counterrevolutionary. counterrevolutionary synonyms, counterrevolutionary pronunciation, counterrevolutionary translation, English dictionary definition of counterrevolutionary. n. 1. A revolution whose aim is the deposition and reversal of a poli
Define Great Revolt. Great Revolt synonyms, Great Revolt pronunciation, Great Revolt translation, English dictionary definition of Great Revolt. Noun 1. Great Revolt - a widespread rebellion in 1381 against poll taxes and other inequities that oppressed
and the Great Fear. As a result of this revolution there many effects , immediate and long term. The immediate effects were the declaration of rights of man, abolishing of olds reign, execution of king and queen, the reign of terror, and war and forming of the citizen-army. The long te...
Introduce anecdotes into your conversation. Remark casually, for example: “‘In summer it is warmer than in winter,’ as the great Lao-Tze has said.” Always live at a hotel. An adventuress has no use for a kitchenette. Wear an antique ring on your little finger — one that used to...
A great revolution is waiting for us. The crisis doesn’t only make us free to imagine other models, another future, another world. It obliges us to do so. —former French President Nicolas Sarkozy September 14th, 2009;; cf.The Guardian ...
1.(the state of fear and ignorance resulting from) the belief in magic, witchcraft and other things that cannot he explained by reason.superstición example of this type of belief.There is an old superstition that those who marry in May will have bad luck.superstición ...
1.very great fear.She screamed with/in terror;She has a terror of spiders.terror,pavor 2.something which makes one very afraid.The terrors of war.terror,horror 3.a troublesome person,especiallya child.That child is a real terror!diablillo ...