The K-Drama world is filled with fictional stories, sometimes based on non-fictional events but still with a hint of dramatization and presenting the…
Also ranks #19 on Who Would You Cast Instead Of Scarlett Johansson In Ghost In The Shell Also ranks #34 on The Best K-Drama Actresses Of All Time 31 Lee Bo-young Age: 45 327 votes Lee Bo-young, a skilled actress with undeniable screen presence, boasts a long resume fu...
The Great Seducer, MBC’s new remake of a classic story of love and revenge, pulls no punches when it comes to drama, humor and flat-out sexiness. This version follows three best friends with more money than sense, bigger egos than they’ve earned, and a hefty dose of romantic entitlem...
played by Song Hye Kyo. This drama, written by screenwriter Kim Eun Sook features their individual struggles in their mission as a soldier and a doctor and how together, they have survived great dangers in between.
The Doctor Blake Mysteries strikes a compelling balance between atmospheric period drama and gripping crime-solving, making it a must-watch for fans of the genre. Premiered: February 1, 2013 Also ranks #9 on The 120+ Best Detective Shows of All Time Also ranks #13 on The 35+ Best...
* Register or Login (Get credit for your great comments) cancel Send Required fields are marked * 3 KDramaTipsy November 3, 2023 at 10:44 AM UNREGISTERED I watched the first 2 episodes and decided to drop. The premise is interesting but the execution isn't. Plus the lead actors ...
Rebecca Romijn stars inPepper Dennis, a short-lived but charming rom-com series about an ambitious TV reporter who discovers the man she had a fling with now has her dream job, and they’re working together. It’s fun stuff amid a great cast!
Cast list on asianwiki Autistic Viewers Reactions to the Show: Al Jazeera short video clip from korean autistic woman Reaction to first episode from an autistic youtuber that reviews kdramas Longer overview of many perspectives (Polygon) Reddit thread of reactions Autistics on “The Extraordinary...
The Empire: Con Lee Mi-sook, Oh Hyun-kyung, Kim Won-hae, Im She-mi. The series looks at the personal life and scandals of a family who have acquired great wealth through their prestigious law firm.
To be fair, this seems to be a fairly common thing in kdramas, where a protagonist explores a crime scene without being properly suited up. This happened in the early episodes of Stranger (Open Threads listedhere) as well, to show us just how fast and badass our protagonist Shi Mok is...