The Great Dissenter As are we all, John Marshall Harlan was a product of his time and place, the latter being, in his case, Boyle County, smack dab in the middle of Kentucky, where he was born, and where he later graduated from Danville’s Centre College. Harlan’s time began in ant...
Jones, MarkLibrary journal.
Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook dissident Thesaurus Encyclopedia Wikipedia dis·si·dent (dĭs′ĭ-dənt) adj. Disagreeing, as in opinion or belief. n. One who disagrees; a dissenter. [Latindissidēns, dissident-, present participle ofdissidēre,to disagree:dis-,apart; seedis...
Obsolete,the act of dissenting or disagreeing. —dissenter,n. divarication a difference of opinion. doctrinarianism a stubborn attachment to a theory or doctrine without regard to its practicability. Also spelleddoctrinairism. —doctrinaire,n., adj. ...
In particular, we'll be looking at the impact today of Newton, Voltaire, Adam Smith, in this enlightenment uprising of thought, along with finally, the greatest dissenter of the Enlightenment, John Jacques Rousseau. Now, we owe much to the enlightenment. The modern notion that the combinati...
Though he was the lone dissenter in a 7-1 ruling, Scalia’s side has gained adherents over the years. The plaintiffs now taking Mr. Musk to court are playing with fire by testing the point in this changed environment. They risk a Supreme Court decision that transforms Scalia’s solitary...
Published December 25, 2023 1920-21 Depression , Clara Mattei , gold standard , gold-exchange standard , Great Depression , Keynes , R. G. Hawtrey , World War I 1 Comment Clara Mattei, associate professor of economics at the New School for Social Research, recently published a book, The...
Dissenter Rebellion: The Rattri Extraction, a Refuge prequel. Victoria is a member of theScience Fiction and Fantasy Writers Associationand serves on the Romance Steering Committee. You can also find these novellas atGoodreads,StoryGraph, andLibraryThing. ...
… to become a Dissenter seemed to him identical with choosing God instead of mammon. That race of Dissenters is extinct in these days, when opinion has got far ahead of feeling … George Eliot … our daughters haunt the town as if searching for something they missed, walking up beside the...
Amaverickis a lone dissenter or a rebellious person. In the Southwestern US, it can also be used to refer to an unbranded calf. It gained popularity as a name due in part to its frequent use by former Senator John McCain. Sherry