按页码排序 赛拉斯说:“我想在外界,那个杀死你家人的人仍在找你,仍想杀了你。” 伯蒂耸了耸肩:“那又如何?不就是死吗?我是说,我最好的朋友全是死人啊。” “没错。”赛拉斯犹豫了,“他们的确是死人,而且大体也与这个世界没有了联系。可你不同,你还活着,伯蒂。这意味着你有无限的潜能。你什么事都能做...
所属专辑:坟场之书 | The Graveyard Book 声音简介 《坟场之书》故事讲述的是一个婴儿在失去父母后,逃离神秘的杀手来到墓园,由那里的幽灵们抚养长大,从此展开了与其他孩子截然不同的生活。在这里等待他探索的,有古老魂魄守护的坟墓,有地狱之门和来去无踪的女巫,还有一位来自人类世界的女孩。
The Graveyard Book 01 3381 2016-04 2 The Graveyard Book 02 1391 2016-04 3 The Graveyard Book 03 1163 2016-04 4 The Graveyard book 04 999 2016-04 5 The Graveyard book 05 767 2016-04 6 The Graveyard book 06 694 2016-04 7 The Graveyard book 07 ...
There was a smile dancing on his lips, although it was a wary smile, for the world is a bigger place than a little graveyard on a hill; and there would be dangers in it and mysteries, new friends to make, old friends to make, old friends to rediscover, mistakes to be made and man...
v.隐藏[某物] to hide something carefully 选自本书第108页第1段 Bod sat, concealed from anyone, living or dead, who might come looking for him, under the arch that separated the Egyptian Walk and the northwestern wilderness beyond it from the rest of the graveyard, and he read his book....
—— 引自章节:6 Nobody Owen's School Days “Mrs. Owens reached out a hand, touched her son’s shoulder. “One day,” she said…and then she hesitated. One day, she would not be able to touch him. One day, he would leave them. One day. And then she said, “Silas told me t...
There was a smile dancing on his lips, although it was a wary smile, for the world is a bigger place than a little graveyard on a hill; and there would be dangers in it and mysteries, new friends to make, old friends to make, old friends to rediscover, mistakes to be made and man...
The Graveyard Book 坟场之书 英文原版 [平装] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 具体描述 内容简介 Stunningly illustrated by Chris Riddell, who brings the ghouls, ghosts and hero wonderfully to life in this fantastic ghost adventure story, laced with menace and humour. ...
第一章How Nobody Came to the Graveyard 阴差阳错地,还在蹒跚学步的小朋友Bod 居然逃过血腥风雨,爬进了坟场,挺诡异的,注定命运不凡吧! 譬如《海上钢琴师》中被遗弃在Virginian号的1900,在海上轮船成长,从未踏入陆地,却天赋异禀,无师自通钢琴乐艺,又如《神雕侠侣》中被收养在古墓的弃儿小龙女,与人间烟火隔绝,...
The Graveyard Book 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 当看完英国著名奇幻作家尼尔·盖曼创作的童话小说《坟场之书》后,感受到本书最大的创新“以坟场为创作背景” 外,很是触动,因为这完全可以看作是一个相当大胆的构想,某种程度上讲,“坟场”代表着一切罪恶与邪恶的发源地,并作为最终决战之地而被人们所接受,然而,最...