The Graph Isomorphism Problem is Polynomial - Golubchik - 2006 () Citation Context ...v [12] Schmidt &Druffel [13] Gazit&Reif [14] and Wolter, Woo &Volz [17]. Other researchers have addressed the complexity of graph isomorphism, Toda [15], Boucher &Loker [16], Toran [18] and Golub...
The Graph Isomorphism Problem:Local Certificates for Giant ActionBachelorarbeit in Mathematikeingereicht an der Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatikder Georg-August-Universität Göttingenam 3. Juli 2019¨Uberarbeitete Fassung vom 23. September 2019vonTim Frederik SeppeltErstgutachter:Prof. Dr. ...
Preliminaries.- 1 Decision Problems, Search Problems, and Counting Problems.- 1.1 NP-Completeness.- 1.1.1 The Classes P and NP.- 1.1.2 Reducibility.- 1.2 Reducing the Construction Problem to the Decision Problem.- 1.3 Counting versus Deciding for Graph Isomorphism.- 1.4 Uniqueness of the Soluti...
Several observations can be made from this case study. First, the formulation of the cost function (Hamiltonian) can have a noticeable impact on quantum annealing results. For the graph isomorphism problem, the baseline approach (embodied in HamiltonianH1and in [Lucas]17) blindly creates QUBO vari...
In the recent years, several polynomial algorithms of a dynamical nature have been proposed to address the graph isomorphism problem. In this paper we propose a generalization of an approach exposed in cond-mat/0209112 and find that this dynamical algorithm is covered by a combinatorial approach. ...
Charles Bouillaguet, Pierre-Alain Fouque, and Amandine V´eber. Graph-theoretic algorithms for the "isomorphism of polynomials" problem. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2012:607, 2012.Charles Bouillaguet, Pierre-Alain Fouque, and Amandine Veber. Graph-theoretic algorithms for the "isomorphism ...
We show that the graph isomorphism problem is hard under logarithmic space many-one reductions for the complexity classes NL, PL (probabilistic logarithmic space), for every logarithmic space modular class ModkL and for the class DET of problems NC1 reducible to the determinant. These are the str...
Isomorphism, Automorphism Partitioning, and Canonical Labeling Can Be Solved in Polynomial-Time for Molecular Graphs The graph isomorphism problem belongs to the class of NP problems, and has been conjectured intractable, although probably not NP-complete. However, in the... Faulon,J.-L. - 《...
The standard approach to find a graph isomorphism, i.e. to compute at least one possible node renaming π, is to perform a clever backtracking through all |V|! possible node assignments [50]. Although, there is no polynomial-time algorithm known for the general graph isomorphism problem this...
Although, there is no polynomial-time algorithm known for the general graph isomorphism problem this standard algorithm performs well, especially if graphs are as loosely connected as the cumomer network graphs. The key to even more efficient isomorphism testing is to partition the node set into ...