They knew it would take a long time for the dust to settle out of the air. In the morning the dust hung like fog, and the sun was as red as ripe new blood. All day the dust sifted down from the sky,and the next day it sifted down. An even blanket covered the earth. It ...
约翰叔叔将婴儿的遗体送入洪水中,他希望所有看到这具小尸体的人都能认出它是压迫和禁欲的象征,这阻碍了移民工人幸福地生活。 【参考资料】John Steinbeck(约翰·斯坦贝克)《The Grapes of Wrath》《愤怒的葡萄》电子书和网络公开资料。 ———- End ——— 编辑于 2024-11-21 17:48・IP 属地广东 内容所属...
They knew it would take a long time for the dust to settle out of the air. In the morning the dust hung like fog, and the sun was as red as ripe new blood. All day the dust sifted down from the sky, and the next day it sifted down. An even blanket covered the earth. It ...
They knew it would take a long time for the dust to settle out of the air. In the morning the dust hung like fog, and the sun was as red as ripe new blood. All day the dust sifted down from the sky,and the next day it sifted down. An even blanket covered the earth. It ...
愤怒的葡萄:The Grapes of Wrath(英文朗读版)是(美)约翰·斯坦贝克写的小说,最新章节更新至第30章,全文无弹窗在线阅读愤怒的葡萄:The Grapes of Wrath(英文朗读版)就上QQ阅读男生网
愤怒的葡萄:The Grapes of Wrath(英文朗读版) (美)约翰·斯坦贝克 著 完本· 18.07万字 粉丝数 2 外语 英语读物 《愤怒的葡萄》以经济危机时期中部各州农民破产、逃荒和斗争为背景。俄克拉何马和邻近的得克萨斯、堪萨斯、阿肯色各州的农民负债累累,土地被大公司没收,无家可归,只得向西迁移,想在加利福尼亚州寻找...
愤怒的葡萄:The Grapes of Wrath(英文朗读版)是(美)约翰·斯坦贝克创作的外语类小说,起点中文网提供愤怒的葡萄:The Grapes of Wrath(英文朗读版)部分章节免费在线阅读,此外还提供愤怒的葡萄:The Grapes of Wrath(英文朗读版)全本在线阅读。起点中文网为您创造愤怒
rich acre and a shining blade to plow it, for seed and a windmillbeating its wings in the air. They arose in the dark no more to hear thesleepy birds' first chittering, and the morning wind around the house whilethey waited for the first light to go out to the dear acres. (查看...
愤怒的葡萄:The Grapes of Wrath(英文朗读版) 约翰·斯坦贝克 加入书架开始阅读 《愤怒的葡萄》以经济危机时期中部各州农民破产、逃荒和斗争为背景。俄克拉何马和邻近的得克萨斯、堪萨斯、阿肯色各州的农民负债累累,土地被大公司没收,无家可归,只得向西迁移,想在加利福尼亚州寻找出路。《愤怒的葡萄》以约德一家为...
(美)约翰·斯坦贝克的原创首发外语小说《愤怒的葡萄:The Grapes of Wrath(英文朗读版)》。《愤怒的葡萄》以经济危机时期中部各州农民破产、逃荒和斗争为背景。俄克拉何马和邻近的得克萨斯、堪萨斯、阿肯色各州的农民负债累累,土地被大公司没收,无家可归,只得向西迁移