American War, and following a three-year occupation by US forces, the island became self-governing in 1902. Fulgencio Batista dominated the government of Cuba from 1933 until 1959, when a revolution led by Fidel Castro established a Marxist-Leninist state. Havana is the capital and the largest...
Lin Jian: We noted relevant reports. China firmly supports the party and government of Cuba in improving people’s life, and upholding stability and firmly opposes external interference in Cuba’s internal affairs. As a good friend, good comrade and good brother of Cuba, China will continue to...
Spain relinquished its control of Cuba in 1898 as a result of the Spanish-American War, and following a three-year occupation by US forces, the island became self-governing in 1902. Fulgencio Batista dominated the government of Cuba from 1933 until 1959, when a revolution led by Fidel Castro...
Adjudication of Claims of U.S. Nationals Against the Government of CubaMauricio J. Tamargo
Mao made the remarks at a regular press conference in response to a media query. Not long ago, the U.S. government removed Cuba from the list of country not fully cooperating against terrorism, but still designated it as a "state sponsor of terrorism." ...
In 2011, the embargo on importing cars was partially lifted and Cubans could import foreign cars but this was still heavily regulated by the government. Meanwhile, the cost involved in importing these cars was above the earnings of most Cubans...
As from 1 January 2025, the Israeli Government is asking all passengers from countries that do not require a visa who want to enter Israel to fill out a digital ETA (electronic travel authorisation) form. This document will have to be validated by the Israeli authorities at least 72 hours ...
The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Spanish government have officially announced that starting from January 25, 2021, Chinese has formally become an official language of the UNWTO. Chinese joins English, Spanish, French, Arabic and Russian, bringing the number of official ...
Cuba-thelargestislandintheWestIndies capital of Cuba,Cuban capital,Havana-thecapitalandlargestcityofCuba;locatedinwesternCuba;oneoftheoldestcitiesintheAmericas Santiago de Cuba,Santiago- aportcityinsoutheasternCuba;industrialcenter Guantanamo- acityinsoutheasternCuba;siteof aUnitedStatesnavalbase ...
State's role and responsibility in guaranteeing access to treatments for the population. Meanwhile, flying in the face of all the evidence, the Government continues to tout its public health service as free and one of the "achievements" of the Revolution, upholding Cuba as a "medical powerhouse...