網頁 主題 約翰福音 1a基督道成肉身 約翰福音 1b施洗約翰 約翰福音 1c招使徒 約翰福音 2a變水為酒 約翰福音 2b聖殿裏的衝突 約翰福音 3a重生 約翰福音 3b他必興旺,我必衰微 約翰福音 4a撒瑪利亞婦人:之一 約翰福音 4b撒瑪利亞婦人:之二 約翰福音 4c本地的信 ...
In the Resonate series the stories and insights of each book of the Bible are brought into conversation with contemporary voices of hope and lament. In this volume we journey through the Gospel of John with Paul Louis Metzger who wrestles with the question of what happens when God, who is ...
这是约翰·吉尔(John GiII)对耶稣把他母亲称为“妇人”的注释:“基督没有把她称为母亲而是称做妇人,这并不是出于对她的不敬,或觉得她丢脸;而是一方面不想用温柔的语气说话以使她太伤心;还有一部分原因就是不想让暴民知道她是谁,否则他们就会粗暴地侮辱她;另外就是让她知道他们之间的自然关系至此就终止了;虽然...
正如杀耶稣的犹太人认为他们是在事奉神一样,今天杀戮基督徒的穆斯林也是如此。就在基督徒里面也有狼把合法的信徒从基督徒里逐出,约翰三书里的丢特腓就是一个例子。你也许会被从教会赶出,或因为传真道被人徊避。如果你没有经历这些的话,你是不是在像基督那样行的呢? 第7-14节当时还没有人接受到圣灵,经上说:...
第1-5节后来耶稣说:“我就是道路、真理、生命。若不借着我,没有人能到父那里去。”【约翰福音 14:6】伊斯兰教,现代犹太教和其它的宗教就是这种贼。他们拒绝基督,还自称是由神来的。如果他们不是通过耶稣基督,就不是由神来的。耶稣当时指的是那些拒绝他的犹太人。
The Gospel of John: Directed by David Batty. With David Harewood, Selva Rasalingam, Mourad Zaoui, El Mahmoudi M'Barek. The life and toils of Jesus Christ, depicted as written in the gospel of John. Narrated in English, following the New International Ver
How many parables are in the Gospel of Luke? In the Bible, how many parables are there in the Book of Matthew? In the Bible, how many parables did Jesus use? How many chapters are in the Gospel of Matthew? How many chapters are in the Gospel of John? How many gospels are in the...
John’s role in the Bible In addition to this Gospel, the church traditionally associates John with three New Testament letters (First,Second, andThird John) and the prophetic book ofRevelation. He was a leader in the early church, and he probably wrote his documents after most of the other...
The Gospel According to John 1:1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 1:2The same was in the beginning with God. 1:3All things were made through him. Without him was not anything made that has been made. 1:4In him was life, and the...
约翰福音解读——真理、道路、生命Understanding of the Gospel of John 联系客服 原价 ¥20.00 销售价 ¥ 18.40 (9.20折) 此商品积分最高可抵现 0.018 元 累计销量1 浏览次数1532 累计评论0 数量 - + 收藏 (0) 立即购买 加入购物车 看了又看 破解人生难题:12个圣经榜样人物给你答案 ¥23.00 ...