在他背后的墙上,是亚历山大大帝斩断戈尔迪翁之结的壁画。根据传说,戈尔迪翁之结(Gordius knot, 英文Gordian Knot)是个没有绳头的绳结,因而无法以寻常方式解开。公元前333年,亚历山大大帝来到弗里吉亚见到这个绳结之后,拿出剑将其劈为两半,解开了这个问题。自此之后,这个词一般作为使用非常规方法解决不可解问题的一种...
Once a father and son can truly understand and accept each other for who they are together they can loosen the Gordian Knot and move forward in life. Director Mark Neveldine Writers Jackson George(story by)|Mark Neveldine(written by)|Kristi Anderson Ornstein(story by) ...
The Gordian Knot is an ancient Greek story about Gordias and the ox-cart that he fastened to a post using a knot. The story is set in Phrygias, in modern-day Turkey, where the local people had no king. Because of this, the oracle proclaimed that the next man who would enter the ...
Readers of the Gordian Knot story might reason that brute force, entitlement, and drastic measures can solve highly complicated problems. However, note that Alexander avoided common assumptions, historical bias, and spent significant time observing and contemplating the knot before deciding that how the...
The term “Gordian knot,” commonly used to describe a complex or unsolvable problem, can be traced back to a legendary chapter in the life of Alexander the Great. As the story goes, in 333 B.C. the Macedonian conqueror marched his army into the Phrygian capital of Gordium in modern da...
When courage meets trial... Do you dare to be brave? | Check out 'The Gordian Knot' on Indiegogo.
The article draws on research findings from an ESRC funded study of penal policymaking to examine why the Gordian knot of the prisoners left behind has proved to be so hard to untangle. The broader lessons of this specific story are then set out. In particular, it is argued that the ...
Gordian Gordian knot Gordon Bennett gorge gorge (one) with (something) gorge (oneself) on (something) gorge (oneself) with (something) gorge on gorge on (something) gorge oneself on gorge with gorilla gorilla biscuits gorilla juice gorilla pills ...
10. The Gordian Knot This was an intricate knot used by Gordius, the founder of the city of Gordium, to securely tie his chariot. But far more famous was the legend foretold by an oracle which said that whoever untied the knot would go on to become the true ruler of the whole of Asi...
And, as the story of the Gordian knot tells us, the only way to resolve such a deadlock is not to unravel the knot, but to cut it. Jicak Rabin took the first big step in this direction when he recognized the PLO as the legitimate representative of the Palestinians, and thus the onl...