Chords, Lyrics, PDF, Docs, Text = Worship Songs, Christian songs, Offertory Songs, Gospel Songs, Action Songs, Mass Songs, Christmas Songs
they're gonna have a certain level of quality that they can rely on. So now I can go a little deeper with what I'm saying, and I can be more specific, and I can give a little bit more as far as the arrangement and the chords and the backgrounds. I had to allow people...
It has been a sad week for us, music lovers.Rick Wright, one of the founding fathers of the bandPink Floyd, died of cancer. Wright was a member of the 1963 R&B cover bandSigma 6that would grow, a couple of years later, into the next hip thing when Syd Barrett joined the gang. ...
Metal music is known for its intense sound and powerful lyrics that have captivated listeners for decades. Here are the top ten metal songs that best showcase the genre's raw energy and emotional depth.
telepathic performance chops. On “Chaparral,” vaporwave and slushwave flourishes calmly balance new age guitar chords and celestial synth tones with tranquilizing effect. Every element ofTotal Blue –whether it’s a disparate, far-flung sample or a perfectly-layered instrumental – is in lockstep ...
When time seemed lost in darkness thy hand dropped its sceptre to take up the lute and strike the uttermost chords; and my heart sang out, O my Lover, my Beloved, my best in all the world! Ah, who is this whose arms enfold me? Whatever I have to leave let me leave, and whatever...
I realized I needed to push the chorus back, make it a post and play some chords. When you are in the studio, there's studio A, B, C and D — and the door of Studio D was open. I heard this crazy voice, and I come in the door like, "Wow, who's singing?" That was ...
I am a big fan of Selfish Gene and God's Eye view on lyrics, especially the call and response. Perfect insertions by the back up choir. Selfish Gene is a remarkable play on the Richard Dawkins Book and biological concept: Sweet little baby from the hills somewhere Here's a pretty ...
t Run(which I had never actually heard before) which had the lyrics popping up but in the form of protest signs. So like I said, sometimes simple but always clever. It was clear that backdrops were their thing as the lighting was very basic but perhaps both together would have been too...
The first lady of Canadian Rock mastered the art of painting incredibly visual pictures with her lyrics complemented with bizarre hypnotic guitar tunings she invented herself along her musical journey. Love from her Wild Things Run Free LP in 1982 finds Joni wiser to the ways of the world looki...