他还没考虑这点 He wants to make a good show with the State’s Attorney’s Office. 大展拳脚 S:well, he shouldn’t think about any of this. That’s our job, and yours. Democratic Committee takes care of its own.关照自己人 We need to get you paid between the campaigns. And you ...
The Good Wife is a drama starring Emmy Award winner Julianna Margulies as a wife and mother who must assume full responsibility for her family and re-enter the workforce after her husband's very public sex and political corruption scandal lands him in jail. ...
《傲骨贤妻 第七季 The Good Wife (2015)第11-14集》英中字幕 热度: Thankyou,YourHonor. 谢谢法官大人 AndI'dliketothankyou 也谢谢各位的 foryourpatienceandyourattention. 耐心和专心 Nowit'stimeforyoutogointothatroomandjudge. 你们即将走进那间屋子进行评判 ...
这个说法看似含有贬义在里面,其实它普遍存在于人的思维过程中,因为它可以减少个体在了解事物过程中所消耗的大量时间和精力。现在的美剧越来越注重展示除主流白人群体之外的其他少数族群,《The good wife》里面对于几个主要的少数族群也有精彩呈现。犹太人Eli作为女主老公的peter竞选经理,本来是一个临时角色,因为演员的精彩...
The Good Wife S2E23刚看完第二季第二十三集傲骨贤妻的我。😍 k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...355关注 1257粉丝 4692微博 ...
《傲骨贤妻 第七季 The Good Wife (2015)第11-14集》英中字幕 热度: Ok. 好吧 Thiswillmostlybeabout...sex. 这案子主要会涉及到...性 AndIneedtoknow 我需要知道 ifthat'llmakeanybodyuncomfortable. 是否有人会因此感到不适 Andit'sokayifitdoes. ...
The Good Wife: Created by Michelle King, Robert King. With Julianna Margulies, Matt Czuchry, Christine Baranski, Archie Panjabi. Alicia Florrick has been a good wife to her husband, a former state's attorney. After a very humiliating sex and corruption s
Español (México) The Good Wife(2009–2016) Directed by(37) Writing credits(49) Cast(1,626) Produced by(59) Music by(2) Cinematography by(3) Editing by(11) Casting By(1) Production Design by(3) Art Direction by(4) Set Decoration by(2) ...
女主的智力能力坚韧等等超出常人是客观存在,但并不是传统意义为家庭牺牲一切的good wife。 诚心想离婚,第一季老公在看守所待了不止半年的时间就能离。她不离,她要给子女和外人good wife的形象。然后以此站在道德制高点发展备胎,骂老公和帮...
the good wifi从来不是good wifi,当你足够强大,你才有资本和外界谈条件。到这里,Alicia和perter已经不是普通家庭,他们更像合约夫妻,为了利益捆绑在一起,各取所需。当弹幕谈论Alicia该爱谁的时候,Alicia已经准备自己开律所搞新的事业去了。 第六季 第一季...