爱德华烧掉信,将灰烬留给自己的余生。 他是The Good Shepherd。 这篇影评可能有剧透 The Good Shepherd,国内译作“特务风云”,另一种译法为“牧羊人”。个人偏向后者。“她”属于第一眼路人。也许你会在影院睡着。或者像我一样,花三个晚上,耗尽所有耐心,却发现自己什么也没看懂。但又隐隐觉得,她呈现一种莫名的...
电影《The good shepherd》是我最近看的一部电影,也是我比较喜欢的电影,对很多人来说,它沉闷,冗长,琐碎。但对于我来说,它是值得欣赏与回味的。父子父亲对儿子的影响无疑是很大的,一个由于忠诚度受到质疑的父亲,用自杀结束了自己的生命,临死前对儿子说:“永远不要对朋友说谎,那会让你的朋友不再相信你,你也就...
He left loving words for his wife and son, particularly urging the latter to grow up to be a good man, husband, and father and to live a life of decency and truth. Edward burns the note. The movie ends with Edward leaving his old office and moving to his new wing in the CIA....
好牧人 英文片名:The Good Shepherd 导演:罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 主演:马特·达蒙 Matt Damon 安吉丽娜·朱莉 Angelina Jolie 罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 乔·派西 Joe Pesci 片长:118分钟 级别:R级 国家:美国 发行:环球影业 首映日期:2006年12月22日(美国)...
The Good Shepherd (2004) Directed by Lewin Webb Writing credits Brad Mirman Genre: Drama / Thriller (more) Tagline: The truth will test his faith to the limit. Plot Summary: CHRISTIAN SLATER plays a worldly and urbane priest who is forced to challenge his comfortable existence... (...
Without a doubtThe Good Shepherdis a well told, intricately woven story. Those of us who like a thinking man’s movie will do good to see it. Those of you in the “I want it now generation” should avoid this movie for two reasons: ...
观《The Good..Matt的演技好莱坞公认的牛叉,用合格来形容有些片面,杰森伯恩和爱德华威尔逊都是特工和反间谍部长,这样两个人都不是喜怒形于色的人,要是每根汗毛都辐射出喜怒哀乐那就太逗了,演技好不是嬉则笑,怒则骂,那是
The Good Shepherd: Directed by Robert De Niro. With Matt Damon, Angelina Jolie, Alec Baldwin, Tammy Blanchard. The tumultuous early history of the Central Intelligence Agency is viewed through the prism of one man's life.
The Good Shepherd.(TAKE TWO)(Movie review)(Brief article)Erickson, Steve
The Good Shepherd《特务风云(2006)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx,You are safe here with me. 你在我身边很安全 Has a decision been reached on how far this country 我国是否有可能 would be willing to go 作出决定 in helping an anti-Castro uprising or invasion in