Mesa-Sanchez, I., Zaldivar-Lopez, S., Couto, C. G., et al. (2012) Haematological, blood gas and acid-base values in the Galgo Espanol (Spanish Greyhound). Journal of Small Animal Practice 53, 398-403Mesa-Sanchez, I., Zaldivar-Lopez, S., Couto, C. G., Gami...
1. Isaac Albéniz - Asturias From Suite Española, Op.47 阿尔贝尼兹:阿斯图雷厄斯 選自《西班牙組曲》 2. Stanley Myers - Cavatina From The Deerhunter 梅耶﹕卡瓦蒂娜 選自電影「獵鹿人」 3. J.S. Bach - Prélude From Lute Suite No.4 In E Major, Bwv 1006A 巴哈:前奏曲 選自《魯特琴...
sexual healthsexual disorderssexual therapyBreast cancer is the most common cancer in women. As survival rates are increasing, the long-term health problems of survivors now need attention. Many survivors develop sexual disorders as a consequence of either the side-effects of treatment or induced ...
Understanding PeopleSoft Online Library Management When additional documentation is made available, you may want to merge that documentation with your existing PeopleSoft Online Library (PSOL) site. You accomplish this by installing the new documentation CD over your existing documentation. All the ...
Audrey A. P. LavinBlackwell Publishing Ltd.Journal of Popular CultureLavin, A. A. P. (1994). Peregrinations into the Paralanguage of Espana. Journal of Popular Culture, vol. 27 issue 4, p.117-124. Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green State University....
No part of this publication may be translated into other languages, reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, microcopying, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher or,...
( Madrid - Iveco Defence Vehicles with the French company Soframe - a subsidiary of the Alsatian Lohr Group - has been awarded a contract to supply multi-purpose military vehicles to the French armed forces. The tender invitation was issued in 2007 by the...
A significant decrease in platelet count (46.4 × 109/litre) and an increase in β-thromboglobulin (137 ng/ml) were observed in the HELPP patients in comparison with normal pregnant women (267 × 109/litre and 49.3 ng/ml, respectively). No significant differences in fibrinogen levels, ...
doi:10.1002/anie.201107406NoneWILEY‐VCH VerlagAngewandte Chemie International Edition
Martinez M,Espana F,Royo M,Vera CD,Estelles A,Jimenez-Cruz JF,Medina P,Aznar J.Prostate-specific antigen complexed to alpha(1)-antichymotrypsin in the early detection of prostate cancer.European Urology. 2000España F, Royo M, Vera CD, Estellés A, Jiménez-Cruz JF, et al. ...