"Well," said the tree, straightening herself up as much as she could, "well, an old stump is good for sitting and resting. Come, boy, sit down. Sit down and rest." “那好吧。”大树说,它尽量把身子挺高,“你看,我这...
In a word, getting up early is a healthy and beneficial way of life. By waking up early, we can have more personal time, improve productivity and focus, and also have better health. Therefore, we should cherish the time in the morning and make good use of this precious time.总之,早起...
"Well," said the tree, straightening herself up as much as she could, "well, an old stump is good for sitting and resting. Come, Boy, sit down. Sit down and rest." “那好吧。”大树说, 它尽量把身子挺高, “你看,我这个老树墩, 正好...
Organizations would have to prove that they're doing more good for the poor than the poor can do for themselves. 各个机构需要证明相比穷人自己他们能为穷人做更多的好事。 Of course, giving cash won't create public goods like eradicating disease or building strong institutions, 当然,直接给穷人钱不...
Maybe you're really good at PowerPoint decks. 或者做PPT幻灯片。 Could you write a grace sentence? 你能够写一句好话吗? The medium doesn't matter. 重要的不是用什么媒介。 What matters is the doing. 而是采取行动。 What I've learned in this journey of my own and in talking to others about...
“The old story,” he said, shaking his head: “no wedding-ring, I see. Ah! Good-night!” “又是那种事,”他摇摇头说,“明白了,没带结婚戒指。啊。晚安。” The medical gentleman walked away to dinner; and the nurse, having once more applied herself to the green bottle, sat down on...
B Giving up Perfection One of the hardest lessons I have ever learnt in life is that we can't make things perfect. You see, I was raised the same way as the rest of you, learning stories with happy endings, such as“and they lived happily ever after". I grew up knowing that I wo...
It burst into hundreds of pieces.它摔成几百块碎片。As I swept up the mess, I wondered why we had been breaking so many things over the months.当我收拾残局的时候,我在想为什么这几个月来我们打碎了那么多东西。The destruction started three months ago.破坏开始于三个月前。It was my husband'...
3. would have done:原本会…(实际上没有) would grown up in A:原本会在A长大的 4. She’s got the cream puff :她说的是这个泡芙,这里注意get的用法 听力文本: 米奇尔&卡梅隆 谁是乖宝宝啊是谁啊 Who is a good girl? Who's that? 是谁啊 ...
She cried when she woke up. She cried in her swing, in her bouncy seat, on a blanket, in her bassinet. She was a terrible newborn. Thankfully, she’s a very good baby. I have learned I don’t like having a newborn, but I enjoy very much having a baby. ...