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Free Essay: In the beginning of the story the narrator did not feel too good about the blind man in the first paragraph he says that the only experience he...
Hello! We're Ben and Justin, the co-founders of LitCharts and the original editors of SparkNotes. We know LitCharts are the best literature guides ever created, and we think you'll agree. Here's why... Side-by-Side Summary, Analysis, and Themes ...
Lord of the Flies SparkNotes(《蝇王》SparkNotes) This PDF has been brought to you by . . . Lord of the Flies William Golding ©2007, 2002 by SparkNotes All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by...
It’s time to burn all your SparkNotes and cheatsheets. There’s a life beyond agonising over the “true” meaning of the text, unleashing your frustration with unreliable narrators, and ragequitting unsolved mystery cliffhangers. We’ve brought in three writers who thrive in the unknown, and...
Hello! We're Ben and Justin, the co-founders of LitCharts and the original editors of SparkNotes. We know LitCharts are the best literature guides ever created, and we think you'll agree. Here's why... Side-by-Side Summary, Analysis, and Themes ...