The Good Doctor is a medical-drama television series developed by David Shore and Daniel Dae Kim, based on the 2013 South Korean series of the same name. Shaun Murphy (portrayed by Freddie Highmore), a young surgeon with autism and savant syndrome, relocates from a quiet country life to ...
"In Tough Titmouse, whose side were you on?" and more great discussions about The Good Doctor Wiki
The Giggle was the third and final of the three 60th Anniversary Specials of Doctor Who, broadcast on 9 December 2023[1] as part of the 60th anniversary celebrations. The Giggle notably marked the return of the Toymaker, now portrayed by Neil Patrick Har
Suddenly, armed men arrive and order them to drop their weapons; they raise their hands to show they are unarmed. However, the lead soldier, Cline, says the Doctor's hands are "clean" and has the other two soldiers take him and force his hand into a machine near by; the Doctor is ...
the denizens of the Gamma Forests) translated the word doctor as warrior, (TV: A Good Man Goes to War [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who series 6 (BBC One, 2011).) whilst others saw the Doctor as a compassionate benefactor, worthy of their admiration and compassion. (TV: Last of the Time...
“Oh yes, I like the Doctor. Its funny, but as soon as he walked in, I felt that you could trust him„ ~ Vicki after meeting the Doctor for the first time. “There is something new in you, yet there is something older than the sky itself.„ ...
Rise of the Cybermen was the fifth episode of the second series of the 2005 revival series of Doctor Who. It was the first part of a two-part story. Discounting the inactive helmet that appeared in Dalek, this episode served as the formal reintroduction of the Cybermen to the main ...
Pesci's filmography encompasses a broad range of characters and genre, but it was his collaboration with director Martin Scorsese that made him a household name. His role as Tommy DeVito in Scorsese's Goodfellas earned him an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in 1990, showcas...
Although she claimed she could leave the Vault anytime she wanted to, she chose not to because she wanted to become a good person. So the Doctor tried to rehabilitate her and rekindle their friendship on his terms. On the verge of changing, Missy was sent on a trial adventure with ...
Getting to Toad Town requires a journey through the tunnels beneath the city, which are unfortunately overrun with Fawful's meanies. But once the Bros. burst to the surface, they can seek out the good doctor's advice. And before leaving town, be sure to stock up on Items and Gear at ...